Magic 101; Yeah, you have a natural manifest ability if you think of what you want and if you state what you want to attract things or idea, you use the law of attraction. Think and it does work with the spirit, that makes it supernatural. This is where you manifest it. So think about the new shoes you want and you'll get them, the soul makes it manifest. You see, that statement is like a request to your soul, and that makes the power of words. So you basically manifest it with a statement.
Yeah, that means the more you practice this word power, the faster the results will come. That's unless it's not needed. Then nothing will occur. This is with ability, think to use any ability, that is making of what you need and want it to manifest by feel. The intent is what the spirit does. That means the spirit will manifest anything you think to make exist. However, the first time isn't instant..think to practice this skill and you will get faster results.
See the soul will know what occurs, and if you are concerned or need it stopped will stop the effect. So the soul will cause you to not be effected from what is there, that you don't want to be effected by unless you don't mind it or aren't concerned of the effect. This is the ultimate effect against the dark arts. You won't be effecting others, unless they want to be effected or are unaware of the effect. This is a known effect. That is where you state an effect and the soul creates the idea, this is basically using the subconscious mind and the power of words to direct the result by feel. This is not unlike a shaping effect.
If you need a worded effect, then use this.. "Shileda vohehm", this will work for general helper effect, and you can create a construct or energy sphere that does what you need very easily by this worded statement. Also, I found, "deema" to be useful in making things better. Think of the experience and what you intend, then state a word or make up a word to create the effect. This works as a manifest or a point of a power word, so you create better by causing the creator or God to make what you consider is good. Think and you know what to do.
So saying, easy.. you were directed by your soul and you used the spirit to create a manifest. The event or idea will come to your attention, this happens at most a week or within minutes. However, if you stop waiting and start manifesting. You detatch yourself from the result. See thinking about it not working or worrying about it slows you down. Let it naturally take place. However, if you feel the area is colder, you know you cast a result. So each spell uses heat energy. The body senses it and that is drawn by the body to cause what you desire.
ThThis is all in a quick point of manifest. So the idea is your "Able to make a point", this in context means your able to manifest a thought. Will the effect by thinking of something like generating money, where your thought is creating the effect and thinking your god makes it happen creatively. I call it the power of words. The more you repeat the idea the more it manifests. This is for quicker manifestation, if you intend the manifest to be quick. If you don't mind the wait, then do it however you want.
Think about this, if you allow the heat to recirculate into the air, then you can cast more effects. Thus, to try feeling the heat as you state with intention what you need, you can create with the heat energy. See if you think it's possible then it is.. it's rather interesting when it happens to occur. You can see how this heat effect is done by expression.. and thinking about the intent. So try stating something S you need the results and you can tell me if you sense any heat. The court rests.
Think about your options as though the intention forms the point you need. Then you create with a point and make by idea with what is done. This means you create with a thought spoken out, and you can use constructs to create with the point for making a manifestation of what you think about. This means you are able to create anything, if you think to clear your chakra points and do what comes naturally. This is a point from the past, though the idea done if you think it is.
You can mimick any ability and get a result, thinking to use "this chi construct". Get your copy as an energy formaed as you want, that's here by thinking it is copied and it works as you intend. So for any elemental effects, imagine or imitate tossing a "ball" of energy, then feel, imagine or think of the element being created where the ball of energy hits to get the point across. See all you need to do to get a fireball is imitation of throwing the "ball" of energy thinking it hits a target. This can leave a black mark on the surface, that if you focus energy into it will burst into flames. It is a chi ball that does this, yet you don't really want to feel it unless necessary where it just happens. You can create an ice effect easier, imagine or think about freezing and ice and the chi ball will form it. The chi ball is what will form the need or want.
This is something to work with in idea, if you think to create with your ability to manifest, you can create if your soul allows for things. So think about the idea as a point you think to create. Here is a quote related to this idea.
"Something I realized is that spells and magic don't work if your soul determines it isn't best for you or your growth... that's why some magic works for some people and doesn't for others. Some can grow wings some can't, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup
So think about this in order to make sure your aware of things that happen, think and state to your soul, "make me aware of the point that happens to be magic." Then you are aware of things and all you really need to do is think about what you intend and your soul creates what you need. This is where you think of the idea and state what you intend and the soul will create what you need. This really works better if you cleanse the body, clear the chakras and make what you want with suggestion as the power of words. This is the point you think or state and the spirit will create by manifest what you intend, that is using the creator as a source and the soul as the fous of the creator's energy..
Feel free to use the suggestion to your soul of, "soul make what I need or want as I intend it by feel." So you create and use the soul or soul copy as a point in idea. This is a point done by feel, if you think about the concept, you can create with the concept. This is a known fact that works, when applied by feel and mad to work by idea. The idea can be thought or expressed, so you know. This is a known fact of life that brings instant manifest. That is done by the power of your soul and spirit.
What you think to make use of is magic or energy, but your connection is made by what you attempt to use it.. what you atttempt to use is connected to you by energy. This is a point done by what you think about, and that is there in the end as a summons you realize is there. If you no longer need something or someone there, then you dismiss them or think it's not there. This is what the connection is all about. Enjoy yourself and you can use this information any way you want. That's all it is until it's used, so if you need a subliminal to cleanse your chakras, look on youtube for "chakra cleanser".
That is all there really is to know about magic. Here is a suggestion; If you have problems casting spells and you used a construct or subliminal to create auratic chakra cleansing.. I would suggest that you reprogram your subconscious with this idea being stated as you goto sleep, "I can do magic and spells are easily done." That would make it work better. Then if you don't mind the effect or waiting for it, you will get some result, feel free to listen to music as you goto sleep, that improves the effect.
Oh yeah.. the rules of the place are it's physics and that can allow transformation in another dimension, see your soul is your energy of ability. So think to realize what it knows, and you will know how it feels. You can see your soul is actually a creator creation. This means you will know what the creator knows. So when you want to shift somewhere, think the creator shifts you and uses the area or places energy to draw you there. The use of the creator allows any element use, if you think to make use of the element, the creator will make it usable to your soul.
Say you can converse with plants to some extent, it is also controlled by the soul. This is when the soul is the source and your realization. So the soul is part of the creator. Yes..the consciousness of the body. You would be a mindless body that was non moving without him or her. This is a known fact of life, that is using your soul ability where the soul knows it and you realize it. If you want to use soul magic, think to have the soul do an effect that you ask it to do. This works as you intend the point to create a result. Then you can get more effects. Ciou and enjoy your life. Good-bye.
So think if you think everyone of them will go to the pits of the hell dimension. Know, they're either be recycled or go on tribunal. They get recycled as in... they go from a living soul in a human body, into a rock or bug. They have to restart evolution. Diddling little kids is what you can call grandfathering. So not all of them have souls though so they just get incinerated. This is standard protocal. For those who have souls, if their treason against the divine is great enough they may recieve unique punishment or be recycled. If god forgives them then they will be released. So if you dont forgive them first, I wait patiently for their tribunal. They will be held accountable for their crimes, I assure you.
You don't know 10% of what they've done, however what is a tribunal?! It's akin to a court. Same thing pretty much. I think a trial. A spirit trial. So what about bank robbers that haven't killed but just stole,how do higher ups feel about them? They would forgive them. Those who have held control of the earth for the last long while however, their crimes are worse than you can fathom, and I do not feel that God will trust them to change back to light. God forgives all, but if she knows that a being will not change, then they will be recycled. If they had any power it would not be real, divine power. Ultimately, if a being uses power that is not connected to Divinity, they will fail to prevail
So I thought all abilities were connected to divinity,the higher above. All kinds of powers. If it is used for dark things it is not connected. See as soon as you choose dark and lower consciousness you become disconnected from divinity, and god. So dark matter source is fantasy, lower consciousness is an illusion. This means it has no source, it lives by taking the energy of that which is divine. Those in the dark do not hold real power. However Hades is the lower aspect of a divine being, so he is still divine then. That allows in his higher aspect yes. If he chooses to embody his lower self, that would be a different story. You have a higher and lower aspect, it's all about what you choose to do. Choose higher? Great! A life of love, joy, unity, and magic! Choose lower? You're a bad person that's gonna be in pain and suffering till the day you get recycled.