Character sheet (This is a template, change the values as you must.)

Name of Character:Sam Pete                                  Name of Player:Kittymoo
Affiliations:none                                            Race:Human
Occupation or class:Gun Slinger         Subclass:                     Living Territory:
Age:30        Gender:Male           Height:6 foot          Weight:215            Size:Average
Alignment:True Neutral                                  Deity:The Creator
Devotion:0      (Place the number of times you make a request to a God or Deity here. This total resets after a day passes by to 0 requests.)
Physical and background description:
Old grizzled cowboy with grey short hair and a thick mustache_____________________________________________________

  Now apply the scores you recorded or apply 100 points amongst the 6 core stats (Str, Int, Cha, Dex, Wis, Con), 1 point put in is 1 added. No going over 20 points for the ability score on application of points!! There is the Special modifiers that are added to the core stat to increase them and make a better Ability mod. The ability score mod is calculated by (Ability score - 5) / 2 round up. There is stat raises per ever 2 or 3 levels, where you raise the stat 1 point. Pick one stat to raise and you add 1 point to it. Every change to the core stat you must recalculate the mod.

Str:27  Sp. Modifiers:15                Str Mod:11                                  
Int:18   Sp. Modifiers:                  Int Mod:7
Cha:25   Sp. Modifiers:5                  Cha Mod:10
Dex:25   Sp. Modifiers:5                 Dex Mod:10
Wis:12   Sp. Modifiers:                  Wis Mod:4
Con:21  Sp. Modifiers:3                 Con Mod:8

  Due note: The formulas in this section may use a [] or () before a division bar. As in, (Ability Scoring + Ability Scoring) / 2. The brackets are done first for the total and then the total is divided by 2, dropping the remainder. The ability score is the main Stat of Int(Intelligence, Dex(Dexterity, Str(Strength), Cha(Charisma) and Con(Constitution) without the Mod except the Sp. Modifiers.

Luck (Find lucky pieces or ((Dex + Cha) / 2)):28    Mod:12
Work: 24 Mod: 10 (Work is str+con/2; drop the remainder. Work details how effective the idea is like you wanted to create an enhantment, then the item you enchant causes what you want with the work you put into it. This effects by adding the work mod as a + to the items effect. Like a +5 for a weapon+5.)
Wealth: 24 Mod: 10 (Wealth is work + cha /2; drop the remainder. This stat creates an effect of increases in what wealth, you get that from the targets that you kill or persuade. This is like a multiplier to your wealth that you normally get. Where a 6 wealth mod is a x6 to your money that you get. Otherwise, its a +6 wealth to your object luck and stuff.)
Will ((Str + Int) / 2):23    Mod:9
Enc in lbs (Str * 10):270
Adj. Enc in lbs (Enc - Equipment Weight Total): 250.5
Fortitude ((Str + Con) /2):32    Mod:14
Spd ((Str + Dex) / 2):28 flight:30'
Reflex ((Spd + Int) / 2):23      Mod:9
Spdcnt (This is the Spdcnt, calculated by 60 / Spd; Drop the decimal. You can't go below 1. This is also how long you take in seconds of the day, per each action.): 2
Actions per round (This is marked down as (number of seconds) per action and [6 / (number-of-seconds)] actions per round. Otherwise make use of Intensity special ability or multitasking special ability to get 1d6 actions per round.): 4
Time of effect: 13 rounds (Recalculate this!)(This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the focus ranks, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means if you got a 80 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 20 focus rank, that makes it 80 then 80 divided by 6 is 13 rounds. This is where you think to round down the decimal point. This effects the number of rounds an effect has, if no effect time is mentioned in the description of the ability.)
Charm (The formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder for what applies.): 22    Mod: 9
Memory: 16  Mod: 6  (This is useful to remember things by another means instead of using arcana. It is calculated by (Con + Wis)/2 and drop the remainder..then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with remembering things and memory checks.)
Inspiration points: 3 (These points are built up over time as you complete an activity you gain a point. They're there if you want to use it for an extra reroll per point used. This starts at 0.)

Mp (Starts at 25%):
Stp (100%):
Pl (100%):   

Base attack Bonus (BAB) (Add Strength mod + Dexterity mod + weapon proficiency): 21
Melee Attack range: 5 feet
Melee Attack damage (Add weapon damage with Strength mod and weapon proficiency bonus): 3d10+14
Ranged Attack range: 40'
Ranged Attack damage (Add weapon damage with Strength mod and Weapon proficiency bonus): 6d10+34
AC (Armor class made by a calculated 10 + half level (round down) + ability score, except in the armor class you use Dex Mod as the ability score and add in the Armor bonus for the total AC): 45

Experience:	46000
Experience for next level:	66000
HP:188%               Current HP:188%
Money:1,001,300 gold
Morale Stat (optional and starts at 5): 5
Subdual damage track (Optional, each point is 30% damage below 0, after reaching 10 points, your character dies. Each point is 2 months aging repairable by resting/healing.):
Nonlethal damage (Each point is every 5 points STP below 0, that's 6 months aging per point repairable by resting/healing.):
Energy: 188% of 188% (This is optionally used and starts at 100%, add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus.)

(Once you get all the numbers as you need them in the right spaces, Tally the numbers up and put them ito the TC. Feel free to add in the racial bonuses, to the skills and stats. Each point used is buying a Skill Rank.)

(Skillranks = Sr) (Total Count = TC)
Skill name (Skill base like Int or Cha)   Sr    Misc mod    TC

Arcana (INT) 14 
Diplomacy (CHA) 14 
Focus (Wis) 20 
Streetwise (Cha) 10
Profession (Wis) 5
Perception (Wis) 10
Endurance (Con) 14 
Technician (Int) 7
Stealth (Dex) 14
Bluff (Cha) 14
Gun fighting (Dex) 20
Knowledge: All (Wis) 7
Survival (Wis) 4
Healing (Wis)  4
Driving (Dex) 3
Modern things (Int) 12
Concentration (Con)  12

Remaining Skillpoints:

Class Skills:
(Place your class skills here)

Energy manifest
Point magic
Time magic
Psychic ability
Identity (Ex)
Raise (Ex)
Cuffs (Ex)
Translation (Ex)
Attractive aura (Ex)

Spells ability:

(Skillranks = Sr) (Based upon stat = Bus)

Spell skill name           Bus       Sr
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __

Unallocated Skillpoints left:

Extra ability skills:

(Skillranks = Sr) (Based upon stat = Bus)

Innate ability name      Bus
Q Ability  (Wis)
Were Ability  (Cha)
Ghost hunter Ability  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)

Accurate weapon proficiency: +3 to your weapon attack and damages.
Heavy armor proficiency; Allows heavy armor to be worn without a -1 penalty instead.
Flight:	Flight is easy for you. You may fly at will, anytime you will the action. This flight is inertial and requires no wings. Your flight speed is 30'.
Hover:	When flying, the character or creature can halt its forward motion and hover in place as a move action. It can then fly in any direction, including straight down or straight up, at half speed, regardless of its maneuverability.If a character or creature begins its turn hovering, it can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action. A hovering creature cannot make wing attacks, but it can attack with all other limbs and appendages it could use in a full attack. The creature can instead use a breath weapon or cast a spell instead of making physical attacks, if it could normally do so.
Jack of All Trades:	You gain a +2 feat bonus to all untrained skill checks.
Evasion:	When an area or close attack targeting your AC or Reflex defense misses you but deals damage on a miss, you take no damage from the attack.
Fleet-Footed:	You gain a +4 feat bonus to your speed.
Great Fortitude:	You gain a +2 feat bonus to your Fortitude defense.
Lightning Reflexes:	You gain a +2 feat bonus to your Reflex defense.
Elemental manipulation:	See this is using an effect of thinking of what you want or need and focusing your mind to create the effect with an element and sometimes feeling or speaking, that creates by feel and uses the third eye to create what effect you need by the element doing your thought, that exists with gating or focusing it into being and can even make influenced actions. You can make the creature or person do anything with this special ability, that's made by a 1d20+focus rank with a 10 or above success or use a drawn straw that is at a cut length that denotes success. This acts as if the person or creature does what you want by wanting to do things for themselves. This is using an art of control, that effects unless you don't need the idea to happen. Think and you know what to do.
Constitution boost:	You are not ever sick by this feat, and poison doesn't effect you because your poison immune with a +3 to bonus to fortitude checks. You also gain a +3 to your constitution, that acts as though an energy boost to your body. So you lessen your weight by 10 lbs, or don't gain weight by eating.		
Devastating Critical:	When you score a critical hit, you deal an extra 1d10 damage.
Distant Shot:	 	You ignore the –2 penalty for making ranged attacks at long range.
Dexturious creation:	 	This is where you create with a greater dexterity and freedom, that's from the point of focus and creation by idea to get better response. Add 5 to dexterity and use a +3 to reflex rolls.
Soul effect:	The effect is what you think, so what you think and need is what the subconscious does. This can use the soul to create with easier as it is creating a result, and the effect is done using for energy the cells of the body or being nearby a source. If you use your soul, then you stay eternally youthful or young where you don't age after your an adult by the power of the creator. The results of this are to have instant effects, like cause a fire instantly and have duration with it or longer than one round of fire effect. So the duration or time it lasts is 1d10 rounds in melee or battle and outside of battle is unlimited, until decided not to have the effect. The damage/healing it can do is:
For levels 1-9 is 1d12+charisma mod per each two focus ranks, round down.
For levels 10-19 is 2d12+charisma mod per each two focus ranks, round down.
For levels 20-29 is 3d12+charisma mod per each two focus ranks, round down.
For levels 30 or above is 4d12+charisma mod per each two focus ranks, round down.
Combat Anticipation:	You gain a +1 feat bonus to all defenses against ranged, area, and close attacks.

Special Abilities:
Dragon Strength:	This is where you gain the ability of the dragon, as in the strength aspects. By working with active meditation stance and working out, you can then gain the strength that is akin to being dragon-like. So much are you like them, in strength, that you gain +15 strength to your strength stat.
Intensity: Add 1d6 actions per round.



Equipped items: (Not all slots apply to objects)
(Name of item=Noi) (Total Attack Bonus=Tab) (Damage=Dmg) (Critical)
(Range=Rng)(Weight=lbs)(Type=Typ)(Size=Sz)(Special Properties=SpPrp)

Noi Ring of holding Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ Item Sz small SpPrp _______________

Noi BFG  Tab 21  Dmg 6d10+34  Critical x3
Rng 40' lbs 10 lbs. Typ Weapon Sz _______ SpPrp Bio force gun, this gun is held in 2 hands and once fired turns the targets in the area into a pile of dust, that's leaving their items untouched magically. This weapon is fair by all means, as though it sometimes doesn't turn them into dust it does 6d10+focus ranks in damage. You know if it does, if you roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result. Its range is 40'. It is powered by a power crystal, where you can fire it as many times that you want. So think and you know what to do if allowed by GM.

Noi Giant carbon-fiber titan sword Tab 21  Dmg 3d10+14  Critical x3
Rng 10/20 lbs 2 lbs. Typ cutting Sz large SpPrp Lightweight, Its made of carbon fibers and sandwiched in it is a steel core amidst kevlar, This sword is unbreakable, Versatile, Cuts easily

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Equipped Armor:
(Name of armor=Noa) (Type=Typ) (Armour Bonus=ArmoBns)
(Check Penalty=ChkPen) (Maximum Dex Mod=MDM) (Weight=lbs) (Special Properties=SpPrp)

Noa Kevlar vest  Typ Armor ArmoBns 30
ChkPen -1  MDM  9, Lbs 10 lbs. SpPrp Bullet proof vest
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________

(Equipment name) (Weight in lbs) (no. of items)
(Optional Description)
Ring of holding 1/2 1
Kevlar vest 10 1 AC 20
BFG	6d10+focus ranks 40' 10 lbs. Searing x3 crit Medium, 2-handed. Does not need ammo
Giant carbon-fiber titan sword	3d10	10/20	2 lb.	Cutting	x3	Lightweight, Its made of carbon fibers and sandwiched in it is a steel core amidst kevlar, This sword is unbreakable, Versatile, Cuts easily

Ring of Holding .5 1
Ghostbusting gear 20 1
	(Ghost busting gear: This gear weighs altogether 5 - 20 lbs.
	Spirit box; This is a box that you ask questions, and the spirits in the area reply in the box. This weighs 1/2 lbs.
	Strong flashlight; This is a flashlight, that turns on or off by a switch and doesn't need batteries. Its with a power crystal charge that lasts forever. It weighs 	1/2 lbs.
	Proton pack and 6 ion cells; This is where you hold a backpack, that uses ion cells and they are rechargeable and has a wand that emits protons. Think to use this 	recharger for 1 hour and they are charged. This lasts with 1 year of charge, no matter the usage. That's used in order to zap the spirit or item. If you zap an item, 	its destroyed. If you zap a spirit, its beam wraps around the ghost or being and holds it there. That's until a ghost trap can be used to contain it. You get 6 ion 	cells and 4 proton packs. These weigh 1 lb each
	Ghost trap; This has a electromagnetic field, that draws in the ghost and being to "hold it" as a point in itself. You get 6 reusable traps that weigh 1 lb. each.)
	Ghost containment unit 100 1
key of disaster 1 1; call void on the target group for 5d8 damage. This key, if focused through will suck the energy, that's energy from the victim/s delivered to your character each time its used. It has unlimited uses each day.
Cell Phone 3 1
tool chest; full of tools
Key of disaster: Weighs 1 lb and its special property is to call void on the target group for 5d8 damage. This key, if focused through will suck the energy, that's energy from the victim/s delivered to your character each time its used. It has unlimited uses each day.
Kitchen plates
Tool chest
Lucky cowboy hat 1/2 lbs. add +5 luck
2 pistols 1 lb. each that deal 2d8+11 damage at 30'
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Equipment weight: (in lbs) 22.5