Arian Soarus (made with DnD 5e character generation) (change to suit your character) Race: (Pick any race) Dragonborn with blue scales Height: 6'5" Alignment: (Pick any alignment) Undecided Character description: (Describe your character) Sex: (choose your sex) God: The creator or place the god or gods you worship here Devotion: (Place how many requests to a demon or angel you made. Every start of a new day the total is reset to 0.) Class: Civilian (this is your main class here) Subclass: Worker (otherwise place your actual class as your subclass here) Affiliations: (Name group or people here) Ability Score Increase: (place what is increased or decreased) level: 10 Exp: 26000 Next level: 46000 xp Age: 30 Weight: 130 lbs. Health percent: 170% Currently: 170% (You start at 100% then add per level the constitution mod as a bonus) Proficiency bonus: +6 (place what proficiency bonus you have) Money: 995000 credit and dollars Ability scores: The stats are decided by rolling a 6d20 or use of 100 points, this is where each point is a stat point and your assigning the collective points, keep in mind skills and health are important so get a higher int and con. This is set amongst the different stats that are changeable. You can, however add additional stat points, that's as you buy them and it costs 1 stat point per 1000 gold, dollars or credit spent. That's up to 5 additional stats per level raised. Calculate the Ability score mods. The ability score mod is calculated by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 5 from the ability score and then divide the total by 2 (round up).: Strength (Str) 20 mod +8 Agility (Agl) 18 mod +7 Constitution (Con) 18 mod +7 Intelligence (Int) 21 mod +8 Wisdom (Wis) 17 mod +6 Charisma (Cha) 19 mod +7 Luck: +10 (This is a calculated use of finding something valuable or some luck event.) Work: 19 Mod +7 (Work is str+con/2; drop the remainder. Work details how effective the idea is like you wanted to create an enhantment, then the item you enchant causes what you want with the work you put into it. This effects by adding the work mod as a + to the items effect. Like a +5 for a weapon+5.) Wealth: 19 Mod +7 (Wealth is work + cha /2; drop the remainder. This stat creates an effect of increases in what wealth, you get that from the targets that you kill or persuade. This is like a multiplier to your wealth that you normally get. Where a 6 wealth mod is a x6 to your money that you get. Otherwise, its a +6 wealth to your object luck and stuff.) Will: 20 mod +8 (This is gotten by (St + In) / 2 and rounded down.) Fortitude: 19 mod +7 (This is formed by (St + Cn) /2 and Rounded down for ability to know when you are sick or poisoned.) Speed: 17' and 50' flight. (See this is how fast you are in an action and makes the initiative. Calculated by (St + Agl) / 2 rounded down.) Reflex: 19 mod +7 (So this is used to dodge things. When its used, you stop the damage and dodge attack. You form it, by the formula of (Speed + In) /2; Round down the remainder.) If you feel free to use the reflex as though a stat and give it a stat mod, then you can do a reflex check by 1d20+reflex mod. That is where a rolled 10 or above is a dodged event or attack.) Charm: 20 mod +8 Charm is how well you can convince a person to create friendships and that is created points of convincing others, this is done mainly by speaking or causing the point of feeling do you get an effect by feel. Use the formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder. Then get the ability mod and use that with charm effects and charm checks. Memory: 17 Mod: 6 (This is useful to remember things by another means instead of using arcana. It is calculated by (Con + Wis)/2 and drop the remainder..then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with remembering things and memory checks.) Number of actions per round: 4 (This is gotten from the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability with its 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise its 1 action per round.) Time of effect: 5 rounds (Recalculate this!)(This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the magic core stat mod, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means if you got a 32 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 8 magic core stat mod (int), that makes it 32 then 32 divided by 6 is 6 rounds. This is where you think to round down the decimal point. This effects the number of rounds an effect has, if no effect time is mentioned in the description of the ability.) STP: 100 points Mod reduction: 0 (At 50 stp you get fatigued, every 20 points starting at 50 or lower your constitution and agility mod temporarily by -1.) Nonlethal: 0 points (leave at 0 until you gain nonlethal damage points.) Morale (Optional and starts at 5): 5 Subdual damage track (Optional, each point is 30% damage below 0, after reaching 10 points, your character dies. Each point is 2 months aging repairable by resting/healing.): Nonlethal damage (Each point is every 5 points STP below 0, that's 6 months aging per point repairable by resting/healing.): Energy%: 170% of 170% (This is optionally used and starts at 100%, add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus.) Inspiration points: 0 (These points are built up over time as you complete an activity you gain a point. They're there if you want to use it for an extra reroll per point used. This starts at 0.) Abilities and skills: These are assigned by skill points, allocated as you want that are class specific here [], so think to assign your own skills unless you want to use the class skills listed here []. I would use your own class skills or hand picked skills along with the class skill that is there in the class description, as long as you remember to add Magic (Int) to the list. You do not use skill points for this, instead you make use of any core stat mod and other modifiers as listed next to the skill. Class skills: Civilian skill (Int) Worker skill (Int) Craft (Int) Handle Animal (Cha) Arcana (Int) Profession (Wis) (if you have healer as your profession, then you don't need a healers kit.) Diplomacy (Cha) Heal (Wis) Nature (Int) Acrobatics (Agility) Perception (Wis) Magic (Int) Intimidate (Cha) Ride (Agility) Stealth (Agility) Athletics (Str) Survival (Wis) High bartering (Wis) Bluff (Int) Modern things (Int) Herblore (Wis) Firemaking (Int) Mining (Str) Smithing (Str) Fishing (Agl) Cooking (Int) Gambling (Wis) Knowledge: all (int) Spell abilities: This is for remembered spells by rolling a arcana check and optionally use of a wisdom check to see if you remember it. You use the Int mod with other modifiers instead of skill points. Example: Spell (Int) Extra ability skill: This is for remembered innate ability by rolling a arcana check and optionally use a wisdom check to see if you remember it. You can roll a 1d20+magic skill rank and get 10 or above for successful play and use of the ability. Example: Create (Cha) Languages: Common, Creator's language, Draconic Divinations: This is where you put your god or creator made special effects. Class ability: (Put your own class ability with the class ability listed in the class description class features here) Class ability (Ex) Chaos effect (Cha) Nature Sense (Ex). Trackless step (Ex). Spell subversion (Cha) Resist nature's lure. Chaos confusion (Cha). Time ability (Wis). Venom immunity. Kinetic speed-up (Cha) Human defense field (Cha). Kinetic attack (Cha) Kinetic funnel (Cha). Time ability (Wis). Dimensions (Ex). Kinetic runic (Wis). Kinetic Antemetal (Cha). Kinetic manipulation (cha) Kinetic flying (Int). Magic abilities: Focus ability Soul Batteries Special Abilities: Regeneration (regeneration rate is 2d10+Cn bonus) Magic focus; This special ability makes casting spells from the spells list possible, and if that's true and allowed thats added to your special ability list for free on the character sheet w/o quotes if your DM/GM allows it. You don't need to learn the spell with this, as its using a special ability to cast it. That is where you think of the effect and state to the dm/gm, that you need this spell done. Think of it or suggest it to yourself and your subconscious engineers the moment, as you mention the effect to him/her. Multitasking; You get 1d6 actions per round. Flying; This is flying and hovering at will with inertial energy, that means you use inertial energy and will the energy to cause flight however you like. The flight speed is due to levels. 30' for levels 1-9. 50' for levels 10-19. 70' for levels 20-29. 90' for levels 30-. This is where you add to your speed stat the "Flight: 50'" w/o quotes for a level 10 character. Misty form; This special ability is where you can transform into mist itself and back again. Thinking to create an instant shift to be where you intend to be. As mist, your not effected by attacks and absorb all energy directed to you or whatever energy effect you don't like that you repurpose the energy for causing another effect on whatever target or area you like. This is a feat that you can decide to use anytime and create whatever result you want, and it allows you to do magic, too. Roll a 1d10+Int mod to see if you get a result, where 1-4 is no result and 5-9 is some result. A good result is a rolled 10 or above. So this feat allows double the damages to the targets, that's if you make use of it. This includes flying at will, the flight speed is due to levels. 30' for levels 1-9. 50' for levels 10-19. 70' for levels 20-29. 90' for levels 30-. This is where you add to your speed stat the "Flight: 50'" w/o quotes for a level 10 character. Psionics: Your character can use at will any psionics effect that you can think up. This is anything in psionics that is using psychokinesis. The types of psychokinesis include Microkinesis, Macrokinesis and Other psychokinesis. This is not a spell-like ability, this is using an extraordinary ability of the mind that uses magic. So antimagic users can rest assured, that psionics still works in antimagic by which is antimatter. • Microkinesis Microkinesis is a deft movement to cause in small things a change of position or change of something to be something else. Metal bending and causing a genetically changed body condition is an example. Use Microkinesis to cause small changes and create big results. • Macrokinesis Macrokinesis is the movement and change of things that are large scaled. This includes: Elemental manipulation is when you can summon the elemental energy at will to do as you need. This uses the Forcecraft system of elements. If you have a crystal on you, then you can use it to add +3 per every 2 levels to the damage total. The forcecraft system is to think of the effect, then will it to exist where you need it to appear to be created or manifested (the dice used for them is listed in brackets besides the element). Earth (d8), Lava (d12), Fire (d10), Water (d8), Ice (d8), Air (d6), Acid (d10), Magnetism (d8), Death (d12), Emotion (d6), Spirit (d8), Sun (d10), Time (d8), Light (d6), Darkness (d6), Instance stop or void (d8), Chaos (d12) and Order (d10) are the elements you can manipulate into existence. When you manifest the psionic ability you use a 1d20+Int mod to see. This is where any roll under 10 is fail, and any roll that's 10 or above is success. This is done using a point of expression, that is different from the rest of the psychokinesis. Especially if you realized by knowing, you manifested the element where you think to make it manifest or appear. The idea is there is: Levels 1-9 gets (1)(dice used)+(Charisma mod) per every 2 int mod (round down). Levels 10-19 gets (2)(dice used)+(Charisma mod) per every 2 int mod (round down). Levels 20-29 gets (3)(dice used)+(Charisma mod) per every 2 int mod (round down). Levels 30+ gets (4)(dice used)+(Charisma mod) per every 2 int mod (round down). Thats the amount, its worth is damage or effect length in seconds with melee and minutes outside of melee or battle. This is a 6d10+6 with a character doing a fire attack, that has 10 levels(2), 6 Charisma mod and 6 int mod. The max being 6*10+6=66% in amount of damage. This effects what you need to effect, then where you wish to create the effect is where you think it is created. Ability adjustment; This special ability is the ability to do things, that can be used once there is a moment to level raise. What it does is allows you through various activity to raise your ability score/s 1d6 points each time you make use of it. You may pick whatever ability score stat to raise, think and it can be any core stat. Again, this is once per level raise, so if the GM/DM doesn't allow for it. You won't be using this special ability. Feats: This uses free feats. Place your own feats as you can. Listed here []. Don't forget the Weapon proficiencies. Weapon Proficiency (Accurate) +3 attack bonus Gun handling; Add a +3 marksmanship bonus for ranged weapons including any gun as a +3 to the ranged attack. The Ability feat; This is a feat that you can decide to use anytime and create whatever result you want, and it allows you to do magic, too. Roll a 1d20+Int mod to see if you get a result, where a 10 or above is good result. So this feat allows double the damages to the targets, that's if you make use of it. As you use this feat, add +5 to all rolls. Also, you can use this feat to create your own special abilities. If the DM/GM allows it, list them in the special ability section on your character sheet. Special idea: (Do not put special abilitie here) Special; Any level: +2 to familiar and group effects or attack if any gotten. These are listed here []. Equipment: The carrying capacity is 10*strength and the equipment list is here []. Carrying ability/Encumbrance: 190 lbs. Kevlar vest 10 lbs, 20+Agl mod ac Polycarbon Stainless Steel Shields 3 lbs, +5 ac Light sabre 4d10+6 piercing/searing 1 lb. PPC Gun 2d8+6 30' searing 10 lb. Crystal 1 lb. Wand 1 lb. +5 to effect roll if magic intended Backpack 5 lb Clothes, traveler's 4 lb. Ring of holding .5 lb. Carrying: 41.5 lb. Ring of holding: Abacus 2 lb. Bedroll 7 lb. Bell Blanket 3 lb. Block and tackle 5 lb. Bottle, glass 2 lb. Bucket 2 lb. Candle Flashlight .5 lb. Blinker .5 lb. Case, map or scroll 1 lb. Chain (10 feet) 10 lb. Chalk (1 piece) Component pouch 2 lb. Crowbar 5 lb. Grappling hook 4 lb. Hammer 3 lb. Hammer, sledge 10 lb. Healer's kit 3 lb. Holy water (flask) 1 lb. Hourglass 1 lb. Ink (1 ounce bottle) - Ink pen Mirror, steel 1/2 lb. Paper (20 sheets) lucky pieces 10 1 lb. Fine clothes 4 lb. Communicator device .5 lb. Cell phone .5 lb. Camping equipment 10 lb. BAB: 21 AC: 32 Equipped: Kevlar vest 27 ac Polycarbon Stainless Steel Shields +5 ac Light sabre 4d10+13 PPC Gun 2d8+13 30' Backpack Clothes