Satanism in General

  This is very general information about Satanism.

  There are different forms of satanism. Two most characteristic types are: modern/symbolical (laveyan) satanism (which is mainly atheistic, sometimes agnostic and is based on Lavey's Satanic Bible, which can be found here in pdf form) and theistic/traditional/spiritual satanism (which is rather umbrella term for many akin but sometimes differentiated approaches: from reverse Christianity to dark neo paganism).

  Symbolical satanists (laveyans) see Satan only as symbol or undefined dark force of nature. They focus on carnal aspects of life, while theistics believe in Satan as entity and have more spiritual and holistic approach.
  Luciferianism is also form of theistic satanism which basically sees Christian god as negative force. Lucifer, on the other hand, is source of enlightenment and wisdom.
  In theistic satanism variety of paradigms are used. For example, some are dualistic, strongly influenced by Christianity, others reject it fully and use pantheism or panetheism as starting point.

  I - zalbarath666 -focus myself on latter approach. I see world from hermetic point of view, so for me universe is mind based and everything is interconnected. I don't believe in the Christian myths. It means that Satan in Christianity is only creation of Christianity, but on other hand Satan is also a powerful symbol in our culture and there is spiritual energy/entity that responds to that archetype, hence naming him/she/it Satan seems to be accurate. Probably this entity was known in various religions but under different names.

  We can't tap with our mind directly into the wholeness of the All. Our earthly character is always focused on chosen aspects of the soul, thus it doesn't reflect the All but only limited part of it. In practice every individual has different 'access points' into own divinity. There is no universal model so some respond more to Satan, others to Venus, others to Christian god, etc.
We are the only source of creation in our life, and its not gods or any entities govern it. We have full responsibility for everything we experience, thanks to that we also have full power and control over our creation. We are the physical expression of divine (as every animal, plant or everything is - they all represent different levels of consciousness).

  What role has satanism in all of that?
  Theistic satanism is path of personal freedom, individuality and power. Typical to theistic satanism is also amoral approach and adversalialism toward society - do not mistake with rebellion, which could be important for some newbies.

  To clear this issue: rebellion is fight against something, while adversalialism focuses on expression of ones own individuality, which could be often discordant with society norms. Adversalialism may or may not include rebellious attitude.

  Theistic satanism likes extremes but it's not any unified belief. Everyone chooses what feels most right, to them, hence very strong differences between th. satanists.

  What makes a theistic satanist a theistic satanist then? It is a belief in existence of Satan (seen differently, dependent on paradigm), positive attitude toward Him and identifying oneself with Satan archetype and symbolism He carries.

  Satan represents powerful archetype of following own desires, independently of agreement or disagreement of others. It's not just following your gut and making your choices. It's often about choices that are very different from mainstream. Usually satanists distance themselves strongly from society.

  Satan and his attributes are the focus through which th. satanists tap into divinity in themselves, Satan archetype is what resonates with us strongest. Self worship, self deification is strong part of satanism.

  I hope that this text will help people to realize that satanism is very broad and extremely complex topic and that stereotypes, that many so commonly hold, have nothing to do with reality.

  For more information, visit:

Courtesy by zalbarath666© 2010
Extra tidbits (not by Zalbarath666)

 This is an interesting site tidbit, to me, so I will put forth some more information on satanism, myself.

 The site is the temple of the black light, it shows some idea and rituals with Satanism.

Its at: which is now defunct.

The book form is:

 Even better! Theres the Liber Azerate, @ here and translated to english here, which is in Russian and further describes satanism from the temple of the black light.

Edited by Skyhawk