These are articles that came from a defunct site, and the articles themselves are about true power in theory.
*No techniques or information may be taken from this site for use on any other website at any time.*
A theory about humans having a sort of Hidden Power. I think that when learning ki you unlock it a little at a time and get much stronger from it because you're unlocking your hidden powers. I think if you unlock it completely something very powerful might happen. I think if you fully unlock this Hidden Power you could get a new transformed sort of power, but I'm not sure what will happen.
Here is a developing technique for this theory.
Hidden Power Unlocking technique.
1. Close your eyes and look deep within yourself
2. See your hidden power as a highly potent ball of energy in your Dan Tien, with a thin line around it.
3. Do a power-up (any kind), as you do this see the thin line dissolve, and the power expand to fill your whole body.
4. Absorb the power into you so it stays expanded through your body.
The effectiveness of this tech differs with different people, but it should result in a boost of power.
-Kyouran Kaze
*I am not to be held responsible for any injury resulting in improper use of any techniques on this site. Use at your own risk.*
*No techniques or information may be taken from this site for use on any other website at any time.*
This information was submitted by Slickdog18.
I did some research on how to become a Super Human, and it seems that I've found a way to do it. I made this technique, it should work, or if it doesn't I guess I'll keep trying. Right,well here goes.
Step 1: First you must master or be extremely good at the Emotional Power up. The emotional power up is when you use your feelings like anger, sadness then anger, or just get your ego up high enough. Personally I don't think the ego one works but you can try it. The best one to use is to get yourself very, very, very angy. I know some people say anger, sadness, and tension can stop the flow of ki, but you will never know for sure until you've tried it yourself. After you can do this move on to step 2.
Step 2: In this step you must master being yourself...I'll explain. Basically you need to become one with your ki, body, mind, and spirit. After you've become one with yourself, become one with the planet. This can be done by making a link between you and the earth, and then seeing you and the earth as one. After you have accomplished steps 1 and 2 in about 2 minutes tops, then proceed to step 3.
Step 3: At this step you need to accomplish the limit break, I'm pretty sure you know what the limit break is. To me this is like ascending. You ascend when you surpass your build in limitations in ki energy, strength, speed, and overall power. It's like becoming a super self. Mastering these steps should be a huge help on becoming a Super Human.
Step 4: Put all the above steps together in one technique. You can do this in any way you want; I know Dragonball Z is sort of a bad influence on ki trainies, But you could try to make a technique some what like turning into a Super Saiyan. Here's my version of a technique:
Calm yourself entirely and focus on the ki in you and around you. Next you have to remember how powerful you are after you do a limit break, then concentrate on hitting that amount of power as soon as you powerup(you should master doing this in 30 seconds tops). Get whatever feeling you use for the emotional power going. Then bust a ki flame with the intent of making you stronger, and stronger. At the same time you bust this flame, connect your ki to that of the earth, and hitting your limit break power (all this should be done at the same time). Right after that, use your will power to increase your ki power as far as it will go. When you've hit your maximum potential, perform the limit break again.
Again this is just a thought. I myself haven't even tried it because I'm not that experianced,I'm still a beginner but...I'd like to classify myself as a basic intermediate student. That means I know alot about ki but I not that good to perform alot of the techniques. NOTE: Be careful with this technique. You don't want to over do it and burn out. Don't be Vegeta.