Ki; The Force of All.


I. What is Ki?
II. Beginning Ki Techniques
III. Intermediate Ki Techniques
IV. Advanced Ki Techniques
V. Experimental Techniques
VI. The Four Forces
VII. Different Energies
VIII. Limit Break
IX. Negative Force
X. Third Eye
XI. Energy Levels
XII. Elemental Energy, What is it?
XIII. Magick Chants
XIV. Magick Staff
XV. White Magick
XVI. Forcecraft
XVII. Element Magick
XVIII. Pyrokinesis
XIX. Cyrokinesis
XX. Telekenisis
XXI. Telepathy
XXII. Hybrid Psi
XXIII. Updated ideal that's also here or here as a pdf
XXIV. Body Dowsing

What is Ki?

Ki is an eternal energy. It is also similar to Chi. Chi is like magic almost. As it is directed force that comes from within and can cooperate with natural kung fu. Ki is the collective energy that someone accumolates or radiates as they gained a skill in one area, as in an artist for example in idea. When they keep drawing things that are beyond their capabilities after they have gained the mastery, as soon as they take a brush into their hand, they radiate ki. Ki and chi can go together and they both collabrate with natural kung fu as well, for greater effect. Kung-fu in this case be the doing of things.

Before you do anything in this doc, you must know how to use Ki. It has been noted that Chi and Ki is the color green. It is inside everything, and can be used at a human's will. To use Ki, you must be able to visualize something very well. The key to using Ki is a place called the Hera. The Hera is located inside your body, 3-inches below your Navel. Visualize it as a swirling ball of green energy. This is where you are going to draw your energy from.

Visualize it as a swirling ball of green energy. This is where you are going to draw your energy from. To use Ki, use of ji is possible as you balance your ji by movement kick off ji and act to shift in point or use by thought, this is idea to think some area then some space to see where you go and think of a mind view. See with concept by what you view and if this happens with use of ki in an energy in creativity, as a mind focus you can seem where you want to be. Seem or not as you want even if to look better you are good in heart, as in with energy thought and out is the ki as this is focus and use is import outside in energy. See with better in use so an inner fire and idea, as if in the heart you get damaged or coin and wealth in is generated outside it is there in the bank.

You must visualize drawing energy from your Hera, and if energy stability is of idea that you use in availability in thought as direction words are in use and projecting it to do to  and not always do we make. This is it out of your body aura the way you are in and want as though to know to do you can use it like a third ji hand which is chi in a use an released to where you think after practice. Art in an essence is an idea, that is in good thought and this is shaped by will or cause is not done you will need an art piece to complete. The art in mind, as it is not viewed till completed and this is omnipotent art that gives as you will as this is peaceful intent use at will the subconscious does everything.

This will change the pattern of a reality, as a fabric of reality is what your using as there is very little energy in the area which is interesting. As magic of what is in an area by heat is what you can use by chi manipulation, from other places if none but psionic energy is there an this is the motion of thought in an area hidden in view to get results and this is the concept that isn't really done. As you erase a memory to regain a memory an you can get any thought in a moment that is what your learning to work with. Or, otherwise this what, the third eye can try to do if it needs to and this is the memory to store it with or not as this is unimportant.

As you think that some people think, you can get the thought that they have and you can use the good idea to work with as this thought is in mind. To see what the third eye can see, describe what you want as to make an idea that will allow use with instruction and that what you want is what it wants as the consciousness of the area and items in make a moment to perceive as if a ghost was there in blue or other color limned light.  You can put the ghost back, in by making the idea of the area energy disappear all ghosts that did appear. This is not to be done, and by what you do if you see things as chi use is normal. Chi in use is to focus and think to do as you do things to get things as thought is in the subconscious and in an essence with mind over matter rules things by thaumaturgy to do things as you do this, you can create an idea by statement by mention or not as mention is nature.

This is harmless if you if you intend things to be as they were as this is not to be and that is unless you were able to work things out and that is the thought. Make a thought as though you think a thought is energy, and what you do is what you think to get as think and this is done. Energize yourself, using the idea of flavored water energy called by the sun solar net star road that is into the  mouth. You can know by what you intuitively understand, by what the spirit can give to your view as a conscious mind thought or not as you kill a bug or smash a leaf. That isn't supposedly, there and you think to kill the thing you don't want as though thought is a point to erase it by thought. This is a thought that to return to neucleus the imprint, in an energy builder construct that you can use to overlay a pattern of chi energy with thought of an activity. Or idea with a thought, of think and you are doing things on thought or contact to reverse to erase a thought or create an action of doing as though the creator helped out.

As though your mind thought, is doing that which is woven by itself as with the heart and with chi or han energy as your with healing in the heart to cause an idea. This is the thought to get the thought, as if your in an action as though chi is actually creative idea as were is actually alteration or rising energy to a point and you were able to get the activity done. To make thought is to metacreate and create thought, itself created itself out of void or white void with nothing in focus and you are to make as if you were in right there and in mouth as if essence of water itself.

There is no erasure of what isn't madness, as this is what is there. Thus, you can borrow upon a moment, in an event that you are in a concept as this use is done and you use it in a thought moment in time by feeling the use and getting results. This is what contact can and cannot, do in the moment that is isochromatic crystal to store by thought touch. As this is the thought, and you are the moment and that is not dead until you choose to  not live as this is a moment of what is 'une'. Chi is the life force and you are the moment, to do work and that is finished up you let the concept go unless you are not intending to do else for the moment and made to see clearly the flushing of a toilet with bad chi energy that goes into the toilet will disappear. As thought this is really energy as to use focused to creation.

As your visualizing, what your not visualizing is disruption of ji flow as you imagine the thing disappearing that you don't want and this is an artform that is the flow disrupted by what you remember and hitting an object will do this restore by the ocean. If the focus is there, and ji is disjointed and you are with a force of energy you can get better thoughts redirected in results by true thoughts. As use is ji isn't seen, think as this is not wanted and you correct by the brain stem and the third eye. As the subconscious can make, and do if you want and if you don't then you won't as if don't want to make a copy of the ability you won't. You know as you think jump to different planes of existence and out you moisten in your mouth to thought think again, in by the sound of your voice an no if you  perceive what that no crashing is crashing and fire adaption with brain adapting.

By the core of the planet, as this what art you choose as in this is a person that makes as you as this is in an idea and this is a point that is a make or create future in your mind in motion picture concept thought. You can create with a thought and make wat you want with a thought to get what you need by intent. Express the intending mention, and you get what you want as though this were a motion by a gist in a hand motion with chi becoming kill energy into ji using body motion by kinetic motion and creating the idea. As this is yellow energy used in what you think, restore as needed as you can create and make what is in your heart that is in your mind and your will is done.

This is in interesting as this is not to use chi in the 6th dimension, as this will attract the death impulse and tragedy will kill you off and yet if you use ji and disrupt it this is what can be used and be what you intend as anything in shopping is miss the target with a miss what. You think to repress the place area, as in the thought you need to keep in thought the moment in as away you go and focus by feel is what you are keeping away from you the knives by what you call. This in a concept to control, the gravity of which you can use and keep things neat and tidy with no disruption by which you cannot get hurt by what may kill you there. If you have no contempt, you are not attacked as there is no hate but if you kill something there you preserve your life as you killing the moment you are going to be killed or harrassed or poison. Unless, your born there as you are unaffected, by whatever will kill you won't as ji with disruptio will stay there and your alive. Tell it what you what you want, and you will get things.

As you could project it and you think with force put forth, by the in effort your at hand in you are extending from the spirit where okay to use things.What you say could shape events. Mantras are are described as, to often be used to resignate the Hera and feel calm while you project it as a force you can use a hand gesture to create and if you need you can use object energy to do force to keep out of harms way in other things to go into your star and this causes you to pull it in as you pull a string of light energy to make the pattern that isn't wanted to pull into yourself as it pulls into itself and disappears as you pull the string by thought or it explodes in an art of combat somewhere in some real area that is not here where you third eye can restore you and shift you out of harms way considered 'unham'.

The best Ki technique to use for practice is the Ki ball. Visualize the energy in your Hera slowly flowing up your body. Now cup your hands into a ball as if you were holding a baseball. Now visualize your energy going into your arms, and coming out of your palms. Make the energy come out of each hand as a beam. Make the beams swirl around each other into a ball. After a while, you should feel a push in between your hands, a wave, maybe a few sparks, and if you are advanced enough, you can make it visible. Thisis how you use Ki.

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Beginning Ki Techniques

Stand in a fighting position. Feel the ki in your body. Now visualize roots shooting out of your feet and into the ground. Picture the roots planting into the ground and absorbing ki. Then begin to visualize your energy merging with the Earth's energy. This is a technique that gives a little boost to the ki attack, and in thought is like the ino attempt attract a mind to mind by thinking you are. Until not needed and helps prevent burnout by what you think as energy is thought to restore ability.

Ki Ball:
Cup your hands like you were holding a large baseball. Focus on your hara and the energy inside of it. Bring that ki up into your chest, then down your arms into your hands. When a descent amount of ki is in your hands, have it emerge out and meet in between to form a ball. You should be able to feel its energy. Don't worry if you can't see it, you'll be able to when you become more advanced.

Drawing ki:
Sit in a cross-legged position. Back straight, chin up. Put your hands
so that your left hand is holding your right calf muscle, and viceversa.
Close your eyes and begin to breath slowly. 4 seconds breathing
in, hold for 2, breath out for 4, hold for 2. This is called the fourfold
breath. It relaxes your mind and body. After about 10 times of
doing that, start doing the following: Breathe in like you normally
would, but this time picture breathing in the ki around you. Have it go
up you nostrils and stop there when you hold your breath. As you breath
out, Focus on the ki traveling down your body and splitting in to two
parts so that it can go down both your arms. Let the ki flow down both
arms and into the calves. Keep the ki flowing up your legs until it
winds up at your hera. Repeat this until you feel you have drawn enough
energy. After a while you'll be able to draw in ki while you're doing

Ki sensing:
Close your eyes and think of someone standing around you. Visualize the
ki inside of their body. Now reach out with your ki and touch theirs.
The stronger their ki power is a concept, the larger the knot in your stomach. The more your aware, as you think of the knot you free yourself from it and all doubts and fears drop away. As in the idea you sense is what intrudes, think or do works to warn you of what is there that seems to be premonition.

Ki Shield:
Feel out the ki in your body. Feel it flow through your
meridians(energy channels). Now start having ki come out of your hera,
and more ki out of your body. The ki that comes out of your body have
form around you in a crystal shape. After a minute or so you should
have an entire outer shell around you. Now start filling the space
between your body and the outer shell with ki. Once this is
accomplished, visualize the outer shell of the full shield turning in
to hard, invincible metal or steel. The harder the concentration, as the
stronger the shield the more core energy is there. As that is the strength that is created, by what you in think will turn into energy as a source in you are a being as you are out as yourself. Separate as you are not inseparate, as in your own reality created by your "autra" or aura place as though your place is outside existence. No matter what happens to the body you will be able, think to revive and you are alive as long as the energy is there.

Attacking with ki:
To attack with ki, do this: When you shoot your ki at something/one,
you need to shoot it THROUGH the opponent. The reason for this is that
the ki will act as a sonic boom and create a shockwave. This ruptures
their ki and will sometimes send them crumbling to the ground gasping
for air. But there is something to remember is, as your energy is restored you can create manifest. Closing the distance increases the results see the attack coming to not do an offense. When ki travels too far, it begins
to fall apart. Also in some idea, a physical attack that's charged with ki is much
more devastating. Because if there is no space between the ki and the
opponent. There is energy disappearing that can shift to where you think. As air is a vacuum the area is energy, that is a carrier wave to use as this is information energy with information as direction.

Basic Ki blast:
Put your hands to your side and make a ki ball. You should be standing
in a wide stance. Focus on the opponent, but keep concentration on the
ki ball. Keep adding energy to it until you think it has enough. Focus
on the ki inside of you radiating out about to explode with it's true
force. Lean forward and thrust your hands out in a double-palm strike.
Tighten you hands and explode the ki inside of you to let it out in a
short, devastating, blast. Push the ki ball away from your body and
through the opponent. This will likely only cause the opponent to loose
stamina and concentration. NOTE: Do not perform this technique and make
physical contact. Only do that as a last resort. If the blast is
powerful enough and physical contact is made, organs can disintegrate,
and the person could die or blow up by three blows or thought. That to create is creative as your a point, that is creative that seems a creative use.

Ki Punch:
Begin to feel out the ki in your body. Now let it flow in to the hand
that is going to attack. Keep the ki inside of the hand. Once you have
collected a sufficient amount of ki, start focusing behind your
opponent. Focus on the space behind him. Then tell yourself you're
going to punch that space. Attack and let out a shockwave of ki going
through the opponent the instance you make contact. Negative Ki punch is a thought energy, that is with used negative energy to cause or created to make by death energy and can kill in one blow or punch.

Ki kick:
Fill your leg with ki and repeat the instructions for ki punch,
replacing in hand with foot.

Ki flame:
A version of the power up. Start drawing a in energy and letting it flow
through out you entire body. Keep drawing in more and more. Fill your
inner and outer body with ki. Next, make all of it explode and come
outwards so that it is outside of your body surrounding you like a
flame. For visualization: If you watch DBZ this is the power up they

Ki to Increase Speed:
This is fairly simple. Wave your hand in the air in front of you. As
your doing this, visualize an image of the hand moving at a faster
rate. Bring your hand back and perform a front punch. As your arm
extends, picture the mental fist drawing back. As your real fist draws
back, picture the mental one striking. Practice this with both hands.
After continues practice, you will begin to see results. It's a mental
trick, that eye strain is energy and the strain is released by the tense and flex or muscular tense and untense. I honestly don't know why it works.

Basic Ki Healing:
Place your hands on the wounded or painful area. Let your ki flow into
the injured area. Picture your ki as the color yellow, and the pain as
the color red. As your ki enters the other person's body, have the
yellow energy overpower the red energy. In your mind it should look
like the yellow is eating away at the pain. After about a minute, their
should be no more red, meaning no more pain with no path to it as you do the right situation.

Ki Healing version 2:
Place your hands about an inch above the person who is injured. Wave
your hands across their body and pay attention to any of their energy
that feels different than the rest. That it the source or their pain.
Touch the injured area and picture grabbing the pain and releasing it
into the air to be cleansed. Replace the energyless area with some of
your own ki by a kick or punch that releases the high energy and firey energy that releases itself. Healing takes about 5 minutes to go into effect.

As you focus on punching someone out, as you think the energy and punch outward you knock them out. Think or not at least you release some built pressure in the brain that ups tension till release and otherwise think yourself some form you want to be and the attributes as you were acting disappear. This is the idea that your act is different, if you want the different idea that will occur if you think it will. Think of a different situation, as think you are not a cow or animal and you are in a different circumstance.



Mana ball:
Put your hand palm up with your arm bent. Your hand can be either head
or chest level. Use ki sensing to feel the energy all around you.
Breath in and draw this energy (mana) into a ball about three inches
off your palm. Breath out and stop drawing mana. Repeat. Draw in mana
from the Earth, wind, water, and fire (helps if you ask spirits for
fire). After about a minute, you should have a fairly charged mana

Mana shield:
Feel out the mana around you and focus on the elements. Start pulling
energy from them. You should be standing in a fighting position.
Visualize the mana enclosing you in a ball. Keep adding mana to this
ball around you so that you create multiple layers of the shield.

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Intermediate Ki Techniques

The techniques I have so far on this page listed in order are the
advanced ki blast, jing blast, multiple ki balls, ki matoshi, genki
dahma, spirit up, burning knuckle, big bang blast, sudden impact, and
spirit mine.

Advanced Ki Blast:
Stand in a wide-stance position with your hands cupped by your hip
about 5 feet from your opponent. Power up using the ki flame method.
Push the energy in the flame around to your hands. All of the energy
from your ki flame should try to be pushed into your hands. The
purposes of having it IN your hands instead of between your hands like
a ki ball, is so that you can control the blast. Create a mana ball in
between your hands. Then create a ki ball so that you have a mana ball
inside of a ki ball. Use the energy from the ki flame in your hands to
merge the energy of the ball with your hands. Once again, focus on your
ki radiating inside of you, ready to explode with its true force.
Thrust your hands forward in a double open-handed strike and shoot the
blast. Note: This is how I perform an advanced ki blast. Play around a
little and try to create your own.

Jing Blast:
Go set up for a regular ki blast. Place your hands to your side and
create a ki ball between them as you normally would. After the ki ball
is created, begin to visualize the ki hardening into a solid object. I
visualize it hardening into a rock. When in your mind it looks like a
rock in between your hands, Thrust out like you normally would. When
the "rock" is released, visualize the stream of ki pushing it as a Pole
or piece of two by four. I visualize a huge telephone pole emerging and
shooting at the opponent. Ram the pole straight through the opponent.
This will give a visible effect of the damage. It may cause a red mark
or something the first few times you try it. Practice it on a friend
first. But make sure he has proper gear on. I did this to a friend of
mine before when he wasn't wearing any gear. He bent down and acted
like he had just been punched real hard in the gut. When he recovered
he commented that it felt like a telephone pole was rammed through him.

Multiple Ki Balls:
Draw both hands back so that your right hand is next to your right
ribcage (loading), and vice-versa. Create a ki ball in each hand.
Thrust one hand forward and launch the ki ball at the opponent. As you
draw it back, do the same thing with the other hand. While one hand is
loading, quickly charge it back up with ki and create another ki ball.
The object is to be able to quickly create ki balls in case of
emergency. But you have to remember that the more ki balls you blast,
the more energy you use, so the weaker the balls become.

Ki Matoshi(disk):
Put one hand up and create a mana ball. Have it hover about 4 inches
above your hand. Now, there is a red orb of energy located in the
center of your palm called the palm chakra. Open it by visualizing it
filling with light and beginning to spin fast. Once opened, it will
spin at about 600 times per second. Create a link from your hand to you
mana ball. The spinning of the chakra will naturally make the mana ball
spin. Use your will power to flatten out the ball into a disk. You
should now have an energy disk spinning at about 500 times per second.
Throw it at something about feet away and watch what happens. If it was
strong enough, a slash should have been created. Practice this
technique until you can cut through trees and fence with it.

Genki Dahma:
More advanced version of a mana ball. Raise both hands into the air.
Now go into a standing mediation. Bring mana in from all around you.
Have it collect over your hands. Keep drawing until you have a mass of
mana over your hands. Now use your will power to compact it and form it
into a ball. Let the energy ball rest about 1 foot above your hands.
Keep drawing mana to it until it has sufficient energy needed to
perform its task. Power up (any type) so that you can keep control of
it. Focus on your opponent and throw your hands forward. Launch the
Genki Dahma through the opponent and have it explode about a foot
behind the opponent.

Spirit up:
Get in a ready stance. Start drawing in energy. Let the ki fill you up.
In your mind visualize your body as empty and the ki coming and filling
it up. After about a minute you should feel warm inside. This means
that you were successful. This allows the ki to flow easier and make
energy easier to control.

Burning Knuckle:
Stand in your fighting position. Draw the hand that you are going to
attack with back. Now perform a ki flame power up. Force ALL the energy
in the flame into your hands. Let the flame expand a little and engulf
your entire hand. In your mind it should look like your hand is on
fire. Focus behind your opponent and attack. Once contact is made, let
the flame go as a blast. Turn your knuckle a little. Even after you've
made contact, still try to reach the air behind the opponent. WARNING:

Big Bang (for lack of any real name):
Note that this is nothing use as a finishing attack and is meant for when your
opponent is wounded. It won't destroy them in most cases, but it will
end the battle. Stand in a straight-back stance with the opponent about
2 feet away from you. Have the opponent to the side of you. Look in the
direction of the opponent and extend the arm on that side. Have the
palm facing towards him/her. Create a block in your wrist that will not
allow ki into your hand. create another at the shoulder that lets ki
in, but not out. Start letting ki flow into your arm and try to reach
your hand. Make it keep pushing the block. The more ki, the stronger
the push. Fill your arm with ki as much as you can. This builds up the
pressure pushing against the block. When you just can't hold in any
more, quickly remove the block. This will have the effect of a pressure
hose. The ki will come racing out at an enormous rate. It will be too
much for you to control, so don't even try, just let it come out. This
will behind the opponent and he will no longer have the strength or
stamina to continue fighting you.

Sudden Impact:
This is a technique I devised from the one below. Create a genki dahma
and throw it at the opponent. Instead of having the dahma go through
the opponent, have it stay inside of him/her. Once the "mine" is placed
in the opponent's body, charge your fist with a burning knuckle.
Perform a ki punch and make contact directly on the area where the mine
is placed. Send the ki in your fist out as a shockwave immediately.
About a decisecond after impact, the shockwave will detonate the mine,
causing the effect that your punch was like a nuke to the person.

Spirit mine:
Bring one hand up and create a strong mana ball filled with the energy
of living organisms all around you (Genki Dahma). Once you've created
this ball, "lock on" to your opponent. Throw the ball but do not let
the ball go through him/her. Instead, keep the genki dahma inside of
the opponent. With the hand that created the dahma extended in front of
you, tell yourself (in your head) that when you close your hand into a
fist, your hand will act as a remote for the "mine" inside the
opponent. Then that when you open it, the remote will be triggered, and
the mine will explode. Practice this technique on a tree, or someone
equally as powerful as you. All questions about this tech should be
sent to The Truth Keeper, one of my students (he created the tech,

Upward Spiral:
Focus on the enemy and get in ready stance. Feel out ALL of the energy
around you. Let you own ki out into the air, wrapping around the mana
around you as you feel and visualize. As you use your body movement to
raise the chi as from the ground is energy and fire, from the sun inside
focused as energy swirling down and around as if ad-hoc. Make 4-6 balls
of mana-filled ki balls. Concentrate them down into the Earth, also taking
earth element energy. Bring the balls up circling around the opponent. Make
the mana inside of the ki balls that are out like spikes at the opponent as
they are going up. This will cause a creation of the energy to manifest the
barrage the enemy with about 60 spikes of energy, which hurts like heck. As
you get better, make more balls and make them hold more mana. Also extend the
distance between you and the opponent.


Advanced vortex:
Create an energy vortex. Once around you, project it a little off your
body so that it's about 2 feet away from you. Power up with the ki
flame technique. Now project you flame to the left of you to create a
magnet for mana. Create a second vortex by using more mana, and a
little from the first vortex to give it a boost. Do this until you have
four vortexes. Link the vortexes to each other. Start making all four
rotate around you. Rotate them so fast that their energy begins to
combine. When this happens you will be standing in the center of one
large vortex.

Elemental Energy:
To use elemental energy, do the following. Focus on your spirit.
Visualize it melting away. Now make your spirit change into the
appropriate color for the element you wish to use:
Air: Yellow
Fire: red
Water: Blue
Earth: Green and/or brown
Bring your spirit back up as the color of the element you are to use.
Now put your hands up to your chest so that index finger is touching
index finger, thumb and thumb, etc. Visualize rays of light coming from
your spirit and in between your hands. Create a ball of light colored
the element's energy. From here you can do as you wish. Here are a few
ideas: Create a fireball (Fire), iceball (Ice), wind blast (wind), or
give yourself more strength (Earth).

Mana Quake: Start drawing mana towards you. Create a whirlpool of
energy around you. Be sure not to touch the mana, there should be a gap
in the center of the whirlpool for your body. As more mana is being
added, make it spin faster. Once there is sufficient energy in it, make
it stop spinning. Make your ki touch the mana. This will set off a
chain reaction of explosions that will travel down to the end of the
whirlpool. This technique is if only effective if the mana from the
wirlpool is touching, the opponent by an imagined aura energy whirlpool that is stopped by not imagining the effect.

Advanced Ki techniques

For the trainers which wish to reach a new level
Before in performing and any of these techniques are used, think of
a good pupose as if an intention as you think as if in a place of origin
and think of these as from energy builder assumed though you must have read and
mastered to a powerful extent the techniques in the beginners and
intermediates section. Further more, I am assuming that you can control
at least 1/3 of your total energy capacity(TEC), without harming
yourself by concept this is with others unintentionally done unless you want to make good luck.

Mega Ball:
Raise your dominant hand up as if you were going to create a mana ball.
Power up using the ki flame technique. Push all the energy into that
hand and form it into a ball. Power up again and repeat. This takes
about 4 power ups. Once that process is complete, draw in some energy.
Create a block as you would for the big bang. Once suffecient pressure
has been created, throw your hand forward and let it fly, use the
access energy from the block to push it off. It will move slowly
because of the amount of ki in it in energy that is with charge from energy in ki.

Ki Drill:
Stand in a wide stance as with your body facing the opponent. Bring up
your dominant hand and extend the index and middle fingers on that
hand. Place the hand about 6 inches off your chest. Close your eyes and
begin focusing all your ki into those two fingers. Once you've
generated as much ki as you can, let some of it come out and rotate
around your fingers like blades. Load that hand and thrust it straight
forward. Project the ki with a spear point at the tip of the beam.
Create rotating blades around the beam. Focus it drilling through the

Multi Convergence:
Also known as the tri form technique, it allows the user to create
spiritual, sometimes physical replicas of him/herself. Stand in a
straight position and power up. This time keep ALL the energy from the
power up inside of your body. Feel the ki moving inside of you. Use
your will power to make it move faster.

Make the ki inside of you move
through your body at an incredible rate. Draw in ki to fill gaps of
energy. In your mind you want the ki to move so fast it doesn't look
like it's moving. When you feel that this has been accomplished. Extend
your dominant leg and side step.

As you step visualize the ki being
left where you were. Also picture giving a little of your own spirit to
it. When you have fully stepped out, visualize the ki hardening into a
human form and taking on the image of you. Once accomplished, you have
full control over the clone. If focus is lost, or the clone is hit with
a ki technique that overpowers it, it will melt away and return to you.

If you give a piece of your mind to it, it can think on it's own and
you don't have to focus on it. Set up charge and use in tact the form that you think to seem, as energy is a thought your a born mind reader as use is the brain that is human. As an assumed form is a thought, your use is a point to what you think. As if a thought your point is energy, thought and knowledge this creates is not as you are and what you want to see is not always considered to be.

Choko blast(edited version):
This is a technique I devised with one purpose, to completely over
power the opponent and win the battle with ONE attack. Stand about 4
feet away from the opponent and go into regular ki blast position.
Place your hands down by your hips and power up with ki flame and
spirit up. Push the ki flame in between your hands to create a ki ball.
Let it expand around your wrists. Double fill the inside of the ball
with the eternal energy from the spirit up. Now create a block in both
wrists and another at both shoulders with the same programming as the
big bang attack. When there is sufficient pressure created, let SOME of
it expand about 1 inch off your arms. Create a wirlpool of mana around
your hands to add to the energy in the ball. Merge the ball with the
hands so that in you mind it looks like your hands ARE the ki ball.
Thrust your hands forward. As your hands go forward, so does the
wirlpool. Shoot the blast and use the momentum of the wirlpool to
create a sling-shot effect by swallowing the blast and slinging it
towards the opponent at a speed of about 150mph. This blast, if done
properly, will devastate the opponent and make him gasp for breath. It
should take about 10 minutes before he can breath normally again.
This possibly will seem a good use with chaos by the feel of the
energy and activity that no in use creates by the feel. As if thought
is a focus and your idea, this is the activity as if a source point.

Minor invisibility shade:
Relax your mind and focus on your surroundings. Feel the heat of the
light from the sun hitting you. In your mind, visualize the rays of
light going straight through your body. You must remember that we only
are seen because the light reflects off of us for other's pupil's to
gather which allows you to see. That's why we can't see in the dark,
because there is no light for the pupil to pick up. If the light goes
through you, there is no reflection of light for other pupils to pick
up. This normally only works in crowds or forests where there is plenty
of surroundings to throw someone's concentration off, if the guard is off
and on after as the person that doesn't want to be noticed won't be detected.
The person that does will be detected, as if a guard is on or off
as if shadow energy is useful. You can use the shadow energy, that
is projected by the body with light.

Fire ball:
The fire ball is a hard move to learn to control, but it is also
extremely effective. To start out with, put your hands in the basic ki
ball position. Start adding Ki energy into your hands, except this time
focus as hard as you can into making the energy warm. Try to make it as
hot as you can. Don't worry, the heat will not harm you because it is
your energy. Now once you have added a fairly large amount of energy to
the ball, remove one of your hands away from the ball. Now you should
have only one hand holding the ball. Raise the hand that is holding the
ball in the air. Make sure that the ball is in your dominant hand. Grab
your wrist with your other hand that is free. Now push your ki out of
both hands so that some of it is coming out of your dominant hand that
is holding the ball, and some is coming out of the hand that is holding
your wrist.

Push the energy that is holding your wrist into your wrist
and into the ball. You know have the energy coming out of both hands.
Now is the hard part. Start powering up and tightening your arm
muscles. Focus as hard as you can on the ball turning into a huge
flaming ball of energy. This is actually easier than it sounds because
it is your energy. If you focus hard enough, then a friend about 4 feet
away will probably say something like "Wow! I just saw a flame.", or,
"Dang, that thing is hot", or something else like that. If you are a
beginner, then for your first year of making it, the best you will
probably make is a very faint ball of fire most likely. I would
recommend that you have some experience in Pyrokinesis before you start
really practicing the move because it is easier to perform.

This technique uses a spiral force to hit the enemy from multiple
directions, then downward spiraling into their organs causing a drill
effect(OUCH!). Stand in a regular wide legged stance(horse stance) and
place your hands palm out with an ki an yan or your palms facing the
opponent. What you want to do is create a ki 'magnet' that will collect
the ki and mana within a certain range. Let your ki outside of you to be
drawn around your body into the magnet. Now make the magnet spin,
so that the ki it has collected, and will collect, begins to circle as well not to heroine as you think avoid drugs.
At this point, begin to draw mana into the magnet. The mana should be
spiraling towards the hands because of the magnet. Now merge the ki
with the mana so that the ki uses the mana to climb out in to the air
and circle around your palms as one with the mana. Start to charge your
arms with any ki you have left. Dan is use the ki in your arms to project the
magnet out of your hands and through the opponent. This will cause the
spiral of ki/mana around your hands to go inside-out and follow the
magnet at a high speed. This will cause the mana and ki to go drilling
through your opponent.

Ki Essence:
This is the ability to force TONS of ki into a bottle, capsule, water
drop, or small piece of food, for recuperative purposes. This is a VERY
strong healing technique that I devised myself. In this I will use a
small bottle as an example. Sit down and summon as much energy as you
can. Bring all of it inside of you. Then become 'one' with the ki, and
place your hands about 4 inches above the bottle. Visualize your palm
chakra extending out and reaching the bottle. Fill that chakra with ALL
the ki in your body at that time(keep enough to stay ALIVE!). Imagine a
hole in the palm chakras forming and pouring all that ki into the

Bring back your hands and use mind power to create a mana shield in the
shape of the bottle so that no ki leaks out of it. If the needed amount
of ki was added, it should look a little foggy inside of the bottle.
I've seen someone light up a bottle like a light bulb before(gave me
the idea). Program the shield to keep energy in, but not out unless
necessary. That makes it safe to put 1-3 drops of water(particularly
enchanted) into the bottle. Thus making it an elixir with the 'essence'
of ki inside of it. ANYBODY who has 1 drop of it, will be fully
recovered. The only thing that matters is how well you do it. And
after the technique, or 'ritual', draw some energy.

Sonic Boom:
This a technique named after guile's attack from street fighter, due to
similarity. I was submitted this technique by a friend of mine. It has
been changed a little from its original format.
Place your hands down by your waist. Left hand on left side, and viceversa,
with your palms open. Begin to collect energy into the hands.
Focus as much energy as you can into it (ki, mana, and psi). Push all
the energies within your power into your palm. Now shape the energy so
that your hands are surrounded by balls of energy. Now clinch a fist,
and raise your hands to chest level, while focusing on the damage you
will cause. Quickly lock your arms into a position like this: Right
fist inside of left elbow, and left fist ON your right elbow.
This position will send the two "mega" balls created swirling in your
arms. They should swirl like a circle, with the ball created in your
right hand shooting into your left arm, then into your chest,
immediately followed by circling back into your right again, and viceversa.
This will create a continuing circle for the energy, and as it
travels over and over in that circle, it will gain more momentum and
power. The instant that you break the circle by extending your arms
back out, with your palms facing your opponent, the balls will collide
and come out through your hands as a devastating shock wave of
disrupted energy. Note that this attack is mentally, spiritually, and
physically devastating to your opponent if fully developed. This should
only be used on a living organism as a last resort.

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Experimental Techniques
Techniques from Chris and Mein that are still experimental.
This is the section for techniques that are either: not full-proof, not totally safe, or only being tested.

Explosion chi:

So I think then imagination is this as that is use, so great that if you think of a bomb that rays out destruction. That you place somewhere then act as you think to set it. Then the bomb will go off when you think to have imagined setting the bomb time. Then get out of the area and you create an explosion. That is the power of imagination. So I think this is an apt time to stop and do things by imagination caused by activity. As all I need to do is think a bomb is useful in theory that I weild with my hands, that I hold and touch an item to set the bomb off that can be the item to go off. If you want to know the truth, then ask first or think of some other way to do things.

So all it really does if you think it does, this is destabilize or put off a person unless it causes a fire by some ideal. This is with some ideal that you imagine the result, then feel its created by the creator to set the charge within the energy or item you thought to explode. So think to set the charge as you imagine the color you want to happen, that represents the destruction or feel. Then feel or focus your need, as you touch the object that causes things to occur. So imagine the result to direct the energy that you don't always direct, as you sometimes have to let the ideal occur as the ideal will happen if energy is there.

Otherwise this is with the ideal 7 rays of disaster, that you use a color and imagine the magic of association that you think an association to occur. This is with ideal that doesn't always work, so this can be 7 rays of different disaster that make the color as red is explosion, brown is earth smells or earthen disaster or disruptive use, green is envy, orange is hot fire explosion, yellow or white is poisionous disaster or air strikes, black is energy that is despoilative or distructive fire that eats anything yet if banded with white is high velocity energy, blue is water bio disaster or cause a storm, white blue can cause ice, purple is radiative or fight type explosion that leads to disaster. Just imagine the effect with the color to have the subconscious create the ideal by spirit energy.

Just imagine the ray color explode or ray out, as though an artist took to paiting a bomb as you think a splash of water for blue that could rot the area effected, the rest are scattered bits for brown, a moving radiative circle for purple or a ring of expanding fire for red, things move by then themselves which is a moving violation for orange, jealousy with intensity if you want to create envy disaster by green, a smelly expanding colored bubble of gas for yellow as a stinking ray of magma is the cause. So if you think to remove the effect or the area effect that is with a thought touch, thought or touch to a surface. Then you create a release of the disasterous energy that dissipates harmlessly. This is usually as you think the color dissipates, that also is use by voice that you speak. Then normalcy is restored, where you are thinking or notice the effect.

Cold Fusion (cryokinesis):
Place you hands together as if to create an ice ball. Visualize the
energy in your air turning to complete ice, and freezing everything it
is flowing through. Then focus on an opponent in life energy, direct his
or her energy and direct all the energy/ice in the air at him. Have it flow
through his/her body, filling every pore on the opponent's skin, then seeping
through to the soul, freezing it as well as the area you see if you will
the area to seem not to move as you move. There are various results for this
technique. In some cases, they may simply feel a little cool, in others, there
may be no effect at all. I have even had cases where the opponent has begun to
see his/her own breath. Try it a little. Note that this will have NO
effect once however on a true cryokinetic, whose "soul is made of ice."

Terror assault
The thought to use the chi as focus is energy, as you feel in and spread te energy and use
by the excess is projected as you gain the energy to feel and cause the apes and animals
to the right trigger and your thought is energy to scare even children into behaving.
Release the energy as you focus and direct the channel of energy to create and direct
away by movement, till not needed as you drop away and think not to do not.

Restoration ki:
The ideal is simple use chi energy you focus yourself to rejuvenate yourself, then all you need is to think the chi energy focus is a focal point that you speak. Otherwise this is touch, this is use as you think to have. So think your body expends energy, then you are normal.

Temporal shift:
To focus your hand wherever it is at your side and feel mana as
all elemental energies that are near as a force enter your hand. Feel
the focus of your mana energy circle around you from your hand. Think of
the place and item that represents the place. Feel the energy draw you near
it and feel it the energy displace you and you are there. The effect is similiar
to make you almost throw up when completed. You should hear and feel a pop
of air if it worked unless it didn't make a sound and you can see the area shift
and blur in your eyes.

Ki shift:
Think on a stone of farewell, or a stone of green nature. Think of the place and
know it exists by thinking on the area you want. Think of it existing and feel whirlwind 
energy shift you built from a ki powerup. Then you stand as you stand where you thought
on or of.

The barrier:
The barrier, its a here or there barrier as its from a barrier shield sometimes built of errors or her type energy that protects from idea and energy as well as light except this barrier keeps in and shifts things as about. It protects from in all sorcery sorts of things. An of em within Depending on the stone it could be white or black energy. Think of the energy, and imagine it swirling or flowing upward and in the spot you desire. Think of it like to a likeness, Like a flower flowering, budding up. This goes to a self-likeness to go do and builds up energy, till you relent the feel and the energy dissipates to the earth.

Self-aura heal:
To rebuild aura and soul by infusing a body with the auras and ki of others. To have them recover from anything. Twenty minutes at a time was one of the first rules; for if it was longer, you would drain the aura of the giver. They were to do this by connecting their flesh to the body flesh and allowing their energy to run through his body, and then to give their gift." If they sang, they were to sing. If they were story tellers, tell a story, and so on. To infuse with positive energy and your love and your talents, and this will revive him or her, the body. Avoid corrupting as exit if influence said three times. Set settle and be done. To set something, settle it and to be done allow for it or block it.

Ki drink charge:
Thoughts are made of energy with emotions by feeling or energy is. As if when we think of something, thoughts disperse into energy around the ambience or in the place of concentration. So focus chi (life force) through the hara and body while becoming one with it, at the drink through the extended hand chakra charges it. This method brings visible energy that is like a bright light.

Flying and walking on disc:
Just making a chi disc under your feet and using it to fly and walk. Gather energy of your choice mixed with hara energy and thrust it under your feet into the form of a gripping disc and think it solid. Walking on it you walk a solid surface while on water or as in it the air as it moves with you.

Long range ki healing:
If the person is about 700 miles away you will need high willpower. This takes three steps.

Step 1
Make the person place both hands on the source of the pain is. If they have a pain in their chest, put them on their chest.

Step 2
Make them shut their eyes and let them see you as a ghostly like form in front of them placing your hands in front of theirs. Both people should imagine this.

Step 3
Now see the energy passing through your hands and through theirs to the source of the pain. While you are doing this have the other person keep in mind the colour red (pain) slowly being faded away by the colour yellow (healing).

By Chris the unknown practicioner

Omnipotency now is what you can do, as you focus the thought "know everything" and drink water as this is chi with directed fire energy as this is the art. As that creates things in a point that is if thought energy drink you can think of your problem, as you are think and that in thought is suddenly a relief situation with things as nothing is energy in undoing by art action. Think or use as you think in thought and the source is what you think, as energy in comes from the source you are an artist as you paint the picture not thought is feel. As with or without thought, as you can erase anything as things by thought are of the picture. At will by focus in feeling, at the thing in mind is a point to work as you think and feel the thing you don't want to disappear now or not as the third eye focusing causes. This is felt as you can adjust this thought, by water as in an element that allows in mind view as you in thought can change anything if not thought needed. If you can do things with objects and change, them to your normal hand activity or natural will as this will do in a idea.

Chi levitation:
You just put the chi from hara to the feet...fill the feet up and then make the chi come out the feet and form a plate. Then imagine the chi plate as a steel plate. After that close the eyes and imagine the steel plate levitating you...and try this for some time. So to walk or move in the air with the chi plate, imagine it moving under you as you walk very fast, or the chi plate could move you in the air as you mimick walking.

If you failed, then imagine an pretend that you suceeded, think they now see you an pretend that you are happy and feel good about it. Keep doing this until you succeed at the task. Try not to think negative thoughts of self-doubt or impossibility because one negative thought will be a 100 more to your mind. And also there is no such thing as "never achieving something" because hard work pays off well.

Ji Room:
There is a point in time that is levitation outside of time and without levitation there is no practice as this is so, this is an act that in mind you doing elsewhere as you aren't viewed except by what you are doing in thought. This is unlimited in scope and use is possible if in a limited area, or things will seem strange to those that feel this influence. The Ji room is the point that you imagine a room and area is the thought, that you can use things that are interesting and seem in unlimited ability without getting tired. This is the chi in use as you think about and generate the ji by active use, in chi and ji user you are use those that think can use your chi as you use things to generate results.

As you think or feel the idea you can create the ideal, as you think to get a result in nation or other idea that is in what you think will happen. As stated or thought in action is do. This is limited chi that is fueled by fire, and as you sense things you can feel them in use as you think the use. Think or not in the point of activity, and this is unlimited in effect unless you put a stop to it. Will yourself to stop and you do and hold off and focus to do nothing for a short period of time, as something else comes to your attention.

As this is generation, energy is possible for what use you do and as this is so, your activity can seem what they do and they do what you think. As your subconscious needs energy back, so is the freedom to do and act as if to defend or not defend and if you are free. This is to act as cool or good as you can do, or things in thought are as you intend in mind as an act to think is possible and your thought is what they use. As if they're will and this is energy to you in respect, for trade as in act this is for what they respect you for is what you do in life. As they see things or not as this is what you do, this is in service as a trade in act. There is no reason, to do anything unnecessary.

Chi channel metafusing:
  This use is chi energy in manifestation that is life energy and focus the energy to being intelligent, thought as the aura changes the idea to create and your idea is collective intelligence actually much more unique as stable. As if intuitive insight and avoided if not necessary as no good idea, see to know if necessary or knife sharpen with focus if your called or seem to think your something you are not then you are not reacting to the statement.

  As if its actually a state of existing mind activity, this is considered by the idea observed as smart or intelligent. So chi metafusing is not actually done, this is by the energy that you feel and learn from and correct by the subconscious or aura. That energy seems clearing up by the positive feeling and ignore the negative.

  Metafusing or intelligent chi use is then easier as with will energy and feeling as you touch, as you feel the idea you change the point or with thought is the feel. If you think smart your actually intelligent, until proven otherwise. The idea is not done if not acceptable, or not as the area is not always safe to do things in unless necessary.

  Otherwise what you seem is what can manipulate or fix by the thought, focus as thought is to "fix" or create change to create correction as if some right action was done. This is the chi energy that is infusing the aura and creates no blockages there as this is in the aura and the fire in the aura corrects the chakra points. As your energy is energy to use in activity this can build up and weight can lessen, if not used in activity or an act of life to use the energy up and create results the hunger.

  This can cease and your body adjusts as if to inner fire chi activity. This is the energy if overuse can create the point to seem craziness, unless a good excuse or not as thinking allows for things in life. Such as the strings of life made from leylines and thought use with chi energy. There is no other metafocus except the other idea, that can possible work or not and you use ions as if that can create some fix to the idea.

  So if you feel blockages and thought energy is energy to the feeling of the other nearby, then fixing things or creating is simply a focus by feel and thought directing by activity. As if you think something will happen, think and or not think will or not if things aren't necessary. The experiences are interesting, if you think or create unique idea.

  So if you think in the situation things will do as you care for different idea from boredom, think to do things through your idea or create as you will things. As if your situation is thinking things through and you think positively, that improves the area by the idea that improves the situation. You can think things might be useful if you feel like thinking, this will work as you think this will and something else will happen.

  If not the original intention, your in will is desire to change by the area energy directed by your chi. If you intend it to do what you want, then the object awareness can do things as this is with your will energy. Chi is life as energy is thought to the object, if this is what isn't confused as if the other wanted or not and if not this is still acceptable.

  As you know the results is the subconscious use by thought, the suggestion then won't happen if not thought to work. That is to stop and what you think is wrong ceases. As the person does what is thought and seem, thought if you did things correct is to be right on the idea. As if your awareness is what allows this, your thought is your own and the will is the energy that directs the area in activity.

  Remember this is an energy, that as if a suggestion by the hand isn't a face palming. That means reaction by feel and to fight is to punch or slap that is stopped. Choose stop and you stop the hand slap. Albeit interresting, the trick is to say the right things and if they aren't incensed to fight by area. No suggested reasons they won't attack and only women know how to do this, things in the right area and the right way.

  Men know how to hit better, as they have strength in the idea. So unless the woman is a weight lifter, thought or body builder and that can equal the odds that aren't always equal. As chi energy is energy that improves with a concept, whatever is chi thats life and the shaped feel by decency or "decent sapient body". Thought is energy in motion as the energy exists so does your will.

  This is unless for some reason the idea doesn't manifest. Then you should try something else or suggest another idea to do, as your energy is there in a focused state with activity that creates resulting idea from seen activity. So what you think will happen can occur and otherwise nothing is occurring, as in life and that exists with the energy you use or have let the energy flow free and you can create more easily what you will to do.

  This is the idea test things out or view to create what is there by the subconscious. Remember if you don't have a good feel or focus and the subconscious isn't linked good, then you won't seem a result unless necessary as you feel the need you can do. As the point unless you think to block out stealing, then it will possibly happen if you give away what you have by information or boasting. There is nothing wrong with your perception, if you create what you think is right and it is proven wrong change it to what is correct as you think to use the point as if this is unnecessary.

  There is no more intention to do in a point if a point is nothing else is there to do, hand activity may be necessary as you direct by the feel and create by gesture. Think or not as yes this is no punishment. That and thought is possible as you manipulate the scene and the area to get interesting results, then and if you are directive to avoid being attacked think as you avoid people in tracing you track them to the cause of the event. As if you are aware your awake in energy or use is a focus, that creates what is there as if an artifact or mana chi focus is with an idea you wear a crystal. As the focus in energy wears off and this isn't effecting you. As if there you are aware and thats the energy in use.

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The Four Forces
Learn to control the four forces within one's body.


Spinal Force:
The hidden force within the spine. Moves up and down and represents the
control of gravity and ability (Main force)

Pectoral Force:
Hidden force located in the pectoral and chest region. Moves left from
right and represents power as energy, think and passion(heart) is restorable by the thought
by energy returning to the hearth and the heart restores.

Lutorial Force:
Third of the hidden four forces. Located in the upper legs and shifts
down to the calves when needed. Represents cunningness and speed.

Mental Force:
Located in the mental, or "third" eye region of the head approximately
one inch above and between your eyes. Represents mystical or unknown
powers. Moves in a rotating motion through the area just below the
average hairline.

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Different Energies
What Kinds of Energy are there?

Ki: Ki is the universal energy that runs through all livings things.
Color is green, and can be harnessed for attacks and healing. Chinese
pronunciation is chi.

Ka: Ka is the chi energy of broken things and clutter and creates what
problems there, if any that there can be if you so desire to not be wrecked
by this. Then you can create better, this by fixing what is unless its not
broken solves you relationship possibility. Named in Feng Shui and this
is what allows you the good relation
by positive influence.

Mana: Free energy. It is the energy you use in witchcraft good for calling
upon the elements and comes from a planet core called with the name
Gaia. It can also be used to boost ki attacks.
But mana is very unstable
and unsafe.

Jing: A subgroup of ki. Because ki is a spiritual energy, this is Ji as it cannot do
physical harm. That is why we have jing, to give a visible, physical
effect. When enough ki is added together, it compacts into jing. When
you strain your muscles you are squeezing out jing as Ji.

Light Matter: This is not used on this doc, but I shall tell you what it
is. It is energy that consists of pure good. Because of that nature, it
is very devastating to the forces of evil. Dark matter is the absolute

Yi: The intention you have to get the mission done. Yi translates into
intention and is VERY important in ANY energy training. The stronger yi
you have, the more likely the energy will do what you want it to.

Kundalini: Translates into coiling like a snake. It is a more powerful
energy that can only be accessed when all chakras are open.

Shen: A very mysterious energy. It can so far only be accessed when one
is in a state of extreme anger. It is this energy that attributes to the
limit break. Limit breaking allows you to surpass your normal amount of
energy. When one achieves shen, by the tone think is truly mysterious.

 Kai: This is use by planet energy to create by use with hands focus down linking with the core to create by feel, thus "Ambarte" is no use no need so think to cease or recreate by use with imagination or do is think to feel focus as your idea is to see or made in life idea. Things you use are what you see in or think imagination to use, think sane you are sane by water or thought you feel or dwell to use or not with ions as you focus to create with life energy. This is a high chi in use by energy effect empowered by meat or water energy focus is so. The energy is thought or by what you think to use by feel is touch to create or the kai energy is thought or not use with direction. See or imagine the idea to create psychic idea in thought, this by the feel in the vibration to see what is there. They are what you think they are in a feel they get by your focus as if herbal creative. There is nothing real till you believe, this is where your energy is creatable by the creator.

Everything in balance is thought to create use or useful idea, that is energy use that by use creates with usage. Think the poles as a magnetic energy were use, so if you thought you could be terminally ill your not. Te directions you think are the metallic energy use by feel to thought, so think to a direction or to the area I as the third eye can use as you can state the words to do. The right direction on the compass is the energy, by what you sense or see is right by correct methods. So your energy creates wat you think with the right direction, as the right idea is there or fellowship ended. Fellowship is the energy to use things, that were interesting to create interest or career in work that you do. By interest I mean the idea you express shows things you create work, as others are agreeing or not to do things if necessary. These are where the thought draws the direction energy or idea you think is right for the moment.

ne = planar in the field is work by focus or thought in idea to the Odin with te use by the feel from Oberon with thought. As your thought is energy your north star or satiric will guides the way or thought is feel with idea.

se = creative moment insight without distructive idea or easily idea viewable in creation or dismissable by thought or earth focus manifest by what you think.

nw = the m effect that if you murder someonme or someone is destroyable by built in or not up by negativity, so you end up with bad luck as if energy fixed by some broken item that is not always or only a faucet or a broken mirror. This is a situated room that with patience is clean, as placement is interesting for attraction by sengui or sheng-fui. Tis to release the bad luck from disruption in life energy as if your idea associated or unassociative by the feel in innovation that is named for intuition that is te soul or body effect.

sw = seem to care or words in that don't seem or you sense to care or create by concern is thought to creation. This is there as necessary in life or not as your idea was creative. So in words or in other words your life was your own or not as you think to do others as with a slave ship. Revert is the energy use by conscious focus or thought is release by the way to use or not use in life, if to drop temperature as a focus thought is the north pole icy winds that is to cool off the system.


So no don't if you don't need it. Think from the minute you take drugs or use water as drinking to cause from the muscular or muscular distrophy with too much effect, see to feel relaxed or tense and release to relax except to not lash out to see or make by what is blood pumping. So by effect thought to stop will cause "so" energy that ceases effects fat drops away if you suppress the need, by feel as you allow except for illegal drugs, the energy is water or not chemicals from the soil that your body ability is thought. This is a humourous with Pelot "concept that passes or not" as your without a place so thats the door. Just don't as do is your say by use or you'll regret the decision.

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Limit Break

What are limit breaks?
What are limit breaks and how do they affect us? A limit break is when a
person is put in a position of extreme emotion, where he only has one
way out. The emotion, whether it be anger, pressure, or sadness, pushes
a person past his regular abilities to where she no longer thinks about
doing something, she does it.

The most common effect of a limit break is where a person is faced with
a position of life-or-death, and he shows an incredible feat of strength
to escape. For example, the other day(1/1/01), a BOY lifted a car off of
his father. In this case, that was the only option he had. He was so
scared that his father was going to die, he decided he was going to do
something about it. And, without thinking, he lifted up the car.

That was a feat of strength. But there are also events in fighting that
occur. Something that I've seen happen is one of my friends was getting
the crap beat out of him. It was 5 to 1. Then suddenly he got a crazy
look in his eyes. He turned around and got smacked in the jaw but didn't
even flinch. He knocked all 5 down and broke one of their arms. He fell
to the ground after the damage was done and started to feel beat up
again. The 5 boys were left in awe and ran off.

The full purpose of study in limit breaking is to one day figure out how
to consciously control. So far, no one has. But I have gotten the
closest(I think) from what I can tell. I got so close to figuring it out
that I was able to create a less dangerous, but still lethal, version of
it which is taught to advanced students going in to teachers.

My definition of the limit break:
A sudden surge of power caused by extreme emotion, in which a person is
blinded with intention to get something done and does it without
thinking. Often shown in short feats of strength, the limit break
happens subconsciously, and so far is uncontrollable.

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Negative Force

"To become a true master, you must master all energies, good and evil."
warning!!! This is what you missed very dangerous! This is using ki and transmitting it to an evil or negative charge. I have edited some of these techs so that there is no serious harm! Seen use and morass is most of these effect sources that are only for intimidation!

Say or create below are possible effects of uncontrolled negative force!:
Demonic Possession by anger, unwanted harm to friends and family, actually
turning evil, hallucination, nightmares, and as you need more!

In this section, you will learn how to transmit regular energy into negative energy. These techniques are mainly for intimidation and making people NOT want to fight you. Seen you already so I know the possible consequences of this practice. As a practice, this is a thought of what can be wrong to seem wrong, or not as with the right things. See as things vibrate or you see things that seem wrong in what you do make, this is wrong or you create as though from what is not quite working.

Negative transition:
  To use negative energy, train or you need to learn how to summon it first. Feel
out the ki in your body. Feel the chi and your body and imagine, what
is wrong and as you do the wrong dissapears and as this is so you can
procede. As the subconscious makes this right as if your a possibility
and you share aspects, that you like to seem or not seem with. Now
begin to think of feelings that strongly anger you. Also think of things
of evil(demons, vampires, etc...).

  Now picture all those thoughts spreading out of your mind and creating
a coat around your body. Now use the ki flame power up so that your
ki has to pass through the coating. As it does, picture the coating
changing the color of your ki to a dark purple or blue, and taking
control of it.

  When you have forced all your ki through the coating, bring it back in.
But do not put it back in your tan-tien! Let it flow around freely in
your body. At this point, anytime you try to use ki or psi, it will come
out as negative energy. Note: you will feel like ripping something
apart. First attempt this in a controlled meditation. Then try it doing
activities. If done, think the cloak off and as the cloak is gone, you
can use inintended change as area changes focused and if to control.
Charm with those that are negative, can stop and seem normal unless
you leave those people alone.

Negative control
  The point that is has a point to be as you are a point and if things
are a point of view. You think, and focus the chi through the auras
and think of what you want and they will attempt the idea if its
possible or not and they seem to resist and this makes them seem
metally retarded in the end point. Say to see is to create or thought not to not control or not feel to create, see or creation is to the touch or cool area feel or thought to see or feel. Don't have to do anything seen that is not necessary feel.

Evil Eye:
  Every one's heard of the original "Italian Evil Eye." Well, one night I
was bored as heck and my friend(David) and I started talking about myths
and crap, when I came up with this. This is the evil eye, meant to scare the
living hell out from opponent use. You need to be able to transmit
negative energy in a matter of seconds. Transmit, then focus on your
eyes. Bring the negative force into your eyes and have it circle around
in you iris. Every once and a while creating a 'flash' in your eyes.
Turn and look at an opponent so that a shadow covers your eyes. This
will make the charge in your eyes more noticeable than before. Use
empathy to project feelings of fright. To do that, simply create a ball
of negative energy, and feel it with negative thoughts. Then project the
ball into the person's mind. See or use is some focal point, focol area or area you see seems use.
They'll notice you're eyes or area feel, see and suddenly get a surge of fright and an
uneasy feeling about looking at you any longer. This technique has its
greatest effect when the performer, the area our use to see can control his feelings and
emotions or use. See as the body controls things so this is seems cool or what element you think.

Illusion Spawn:
This is the ability that ancient ninja had. Its purpose is to create the
illusion that there is more than one of you, or make the opponent see
things using mental powers. Transmit to begin, then fill your body head
to toe with the energy(be careful). Create a link from your mind to his,
and force all the evil through the link into his mind. Visualize it
filling his body. Because it is YOUR negative energy, YOU still have
control over it. At this point, you are given the option of making the
force explode and cause internal damage, or give him something to
remember. If you close your eyes and picture you astral self being drawn
into the energy, you will be given the ability to see through the
opponents eyes. But because of the negative force, you have a direct
link to his mind. So if you picture a goblin in front of you(him),
that's what he'll see. It's easier to imagine weird sounds. Simply
reverse the process when you're finished.

Demon Call:
This is more under the category of wicca, but because it uses negative
forces, I will put it up. Light a candle and turn off all lights in your
room. Transmit your ki into negative energy and sit down in front of the
flame. Chant the following: "All evil I can't see, hear my plea, perform
this task for me." Focus on the idea you want to do as you intend the
person you wish the demons to have an effect on, and if near then do
and release the negative energy that has now gathered in the flame(the
demons) out into the world to do it's task.

They can not be asked to do a devastating task. Keep it simple, don't
piss them off, and this is 100% safe. This is probably the last technique
I will feature on this page. The release is to think with a positive influence
as in idea, this is laughter and other things in idea are that others are
in either not legal, offend other religions, or I just don't think anyone
should be able to do them and you give the right reaction as if you do
things right or then they will use you unless you don't want and need
if fulfilled is gone.

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Third Eye

Some people are born with the ability to see energy and auras. Some
well. This seems to focus is to manifest or use is the third eye. See as you are, use is no abuse so you cause to see what you create. So as there is focus to need so you are not. For those who are not, you have to learn how to open
thing called the third eye by imagining or see to create as you manage your gift. The third eye is located on your forehead
when imagined there, as if in moment to manifest what you want the
third eye in between your eyebrows can appear. If you don't know if
you can see energy or not, as it looks like a bunch of different colors
composed in mainly the coloration to create repair from:
green (Ki or life energy stored),
red (Negative energy)
and blue (Negative energy being recycled into Ki).

And the Aura is a bunch of different colors surrounding someone.
To begin with, sit in a meditation position. Now close your eyes and
place your index and middle fingers of your dominant hand on your
forehead in between your eyebrows. Open your eyes and blink a few times.
Now close your eyes again(fingers still on forehead), and visualize an
eye opening where your fingers are or just imagine the brain projecting
the third eye as it materializes where you think it to just seem. As it is
there, use is to create as your use is usable. Seem or quit changes around the
area to create.

As you thought to seem change to make un change, or make
change with a point of endurance no intention an hinderance in an idea
if your aura is negative quit as it is black in color. Changes if unlimited
or not to stop, what you like and seem to use is not there. Open your
eyes (still visualizing your third eye), and start blinking again, but this
time visualize your Third eye blinking with you. Do this until you can
actually feel your third eye blinking on your fingertips. Move your fingers
and get in a normal position. Still visualize the eye open. Now when
you look somewhere, you should be able to see the colors that I talked
about on the top of the page.

When you get good at this technique, you should be able to see energy
anytime you want to without having to go through all those steps. Just
tell yourself that you want to see energy, and you should see it
automatically. You can also see energy levels (power levels) using the third eye. An energy level determines the strength of an individual in Ki.

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Energy levels

The ability to read energy levels
Note: You must be able to see and feel the energy around you before
reading this section.
A person’s energy level is the amount and strength of energy within a
person. It is measured using numbers. There is a normal and a max energy
level (Power level). Your normal energy level is your energy level when
you are relaxed. Your max power level is your power level when you are
fully powered up and maxed out. For example, if you could nock somebody
down with Ki on normal, then your energy level would be about 30,000
most likely. Most people that don't practice Ki have a normal energy
level of 400-500. If you practice Ki, this is how you will be able to
measure your power. There are a few ways to tell what a persons power
level is. I will list and explain those ways.

This is the one of the most common ways to read an energy level. First,
you must be able to see energy with your third-eye to see a person’s
energy level. To begin, look and concentrate on the person. Look
slightly above him so that you can see his energy radiating off his
body. This radiating energy is how you will tell his energy level. The
energy will go to a certain length off his body. Where it ends is how
you what is energy level is. You will know it is his energy because it
will be compact, and stay within a certain length of the person,
depending on his strength. The further the energy radiates off his body,
the stronger his energy level is. When you have focused so that you can
see his energy radiating off of him, blink once or twice. When you
blink, you will notice that there will be an exact line between the air
and his energy. This way you tell exactly what his energy level is. Here
is a scale to measure energy levels with:
1 inch-200 energy level
1 foot-2 0r 3,000
5 feet-about 15,000
10 feet-about 30,000
Every foot is about 3,000 energy level.

This is the most common way to tell energy levels. A ki scan is pretty
much all you have to do to feel an energy level. You do this by feeling
their energy around you. You should be able to sense any energy level of
anybody you want. Just make your ki touch their Ki, and you will get a
feeling. The stronger the feeling, the higher the energy level is. I
can't give you a scale for this technique, you will just have to take n
estimate of the energy level compared to the intensity of the feeling
you got. Eventually, you will just be able to look at someone, and be
able to feel their energy level if you want to.

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Elemental Energy, What is it?

Elemental and sorceric energy
What are elemental energies. Well, the energy comes from a type of
warlocking and maging called elemental magick. This is my personal
favorite of all the magick practices. Why? Because elemental energy is
very loosely based, no actual laws like wicca has, and religion doesn't
matter. I have also found that in my vast search for energy other than
ki, elemental energy seems to be very reliable, and easier to see. It
also often gives more visual effects. On my doc called 'forcecraft', I
taught how to use elemental energies for attacks by the use of words and
chants. In this section, I hope to enlighten this newer form of energy,
and give people a better understanding of what it is. I will also try to
teach how to control them mentally.

A definition- Learn how before doing. Elemental energy is the energy of
which is taken or borrowed from the surrounding elements of nature. This
energy can be drawn into, and kept inside, the human body to disperse and
use as one would with psi or ki. This energy can be used for various purposes.
Some that I have found useful are these: Can be used in warlocking for battles, gives an extra "umf" to spells, awesome for divination and purification, if mastered can bring ultimate control over all four elements and unlocks the fifth element...spirit/aether.

The basics-

Elemental energy has the same basics as that of any other energy. The
rules of physics can be applied to find out how to make better impact,
Energy equals forced speed plus impact(E=Fs+I). By using it more, it
becomes more powerful. Nothing is impossible with it; you just need to
believe. Don't be to hard on yourself, but remember that only one who
has gone too far, truly knows how far one can go. You must also respect
it's power; don't misuse it. Anything that gets put out into the
universe has to circle and come back(bad karma, and it CAN be avoided).
Learn to control it before you start doing the major stuff, otherwise
you could accidentally injure a loved one (I've seen it happen).

Controlling it-
Controlling it is very similar to controlling other energies. The only
large fact you need to remember is that elemental energy affects the
elements, thus the air you breath. Sit down in a meditation position.
Having a nearby-lit candle is advised. Clear your mind and focus on the
flame (or other object). Picture the flame acting as an electric rod,
gathering the lightning and sending it to you (Earth). Focus on the
elements surrounding the flame. Imagine the flame acting as a magnet to
the energy within the elements. Visualize the elements lending their
energy to the flame, which is grounding the energy to you. If you were
to open your eyes, chances are you would see the flame flickering

Bring the energy in to your body. But instead of gathering it into your
Tan-Tien, or hera, let the elemental energy flow through out your body.
Filling it from head to toe, inhabiting every muscle and bone. When you
feel you have enough energy, open your eyes. Move your hands around.
Your body should feel very warm and cuddly inside (Oh joy!).
Go to make a ki ball, but instead, visualize all the elemental energy
swarming and collecting in a ball between your hands. At this point,
there should be a little bit of a different "vibe" coming from the
ball. That's only because it's a different type of energy than what
you're use to. Know in your mind, think of a task of which you want the
ball of elemental energy to perform. Visualize the ball doing it
(Programming). Know spread your hands apart and let the ball out in to
the air. Let it float away, it will go and find the object of it's
task, and perform it to the best of it's abilities.

In a few days, you should start to see results. The amount of energy
that you added to the ball will effect how well it performs the task.

Summoning the energy using will power-
Stand in a comfortable position and clear your mind. Raise one hand in
the air as if you were to make a mana ball. Now picture the elements
surrounding you as you did before with the candle. Start letting their
energy pour in to you, adding to yours. Create a mental magnet in the
palm of your hand to summon the energy to the palm. The energy should
evade going in to you, but instead circle around you body and be
collected at the magnet (focus point). Picture the focus point
gathering the element's energy in to you palm, and circulating it to
create a ball. This is another way to create an elemental ball, but
more important, it is a way to summon elemental energies through
thought. It is faster and more effective, but is advised for more
advanced magicians.

Basic positions of the elements

Colors-Green, brown, black
Elemental- Gnome
animals- deer, bears, mice, worms, any land dwelling creature
Represented by- upside down green triangle with a line through the

Air (wind, psychic)
Animals- Birds, particularly the Falcon
Represented by- yellow triangle pointing up with a line through the top

colors-red, orange
Elemental- Salamander
Animals- Dragons, snakes, salamanders
represented by- Red triangle pointing up

Elemental- Sprite
Animals- Any sea dwelling creature
Represented by- Upside down Blue triangle
Spirit (The alleged fifth element, also known as aether)

Direction- All
Elemental- Gargoyle
Animals- None
Represented by- David's Star

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Magick Chants

These are a few wiccan chants for spells that work, to some.

Rain Spell
Causes: rain.
Ancient gods and goddesses,
hear my plea,
waters from the sky, let it be!
I invoke thee now, to thee all
listen to my desire,

Stop bleeding
causes: an open wound to heal

Rivers shall flow,
be pure and crystalline.
But red rivers must not,
they must be trapped within my being.
This river, so red,
must be stopped with a golden net.
Stop it now, stop this bleed!

Slow time
Preparation: Draw a pentacle on your left hand in blue ink.
Core go 'round,
power be bound,
Interrupt nature's course,
time slow down.

Preparation: Place your hands under the object.
Stiff as a board, light as a feather.(repeat until result)

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Magick Staff

Making and Using Warlock Staves

Making Warlock Staffs:
Go and find a long branch, or limb, about 1 and a half inches wide, and
about a foot as smaller than you. Carve the skin off of it with a
knife. Carve it so that it's the actual wood that's showing, not the
bark or skin. Once you've carved what you feel is enough off, enchant
it by doing the following. Sit is a meditative position and place the
staff in front of you. Grasp it with both hands and lift it a little
off the ground. Start drawing energy directly into the staff itself.
Once there is a lot of energy in it, make the energy burst out and
surround it like a flame. In your mind it should be like the staff
itself is powering up. While holding on to it tightly, tell it what you
want it's use to be. If you only want it to have control over fire,
than chant something like "This staff shall have the power over fire,
and listen well to my every desire" in your head. If your experienced
enough in warlocking, you can make it have control over all elements by
chanting "

Using a warlock staff:
After enchanting it, it's time to use it. Pick it up and feel out the
elemental energy inside of it. Bring it out. Let the energy of the
desired element swirl around the staff. Now start thinking of what you
want to do with it. Once you have a goal, the staff will automatically
program itself to perform the given task. If it is to be used as an
attack, point the end of the staff towards the opponent and shoot the
elemental energy at the opponent. Below are a few of a well enchanted
staff ranked by beginner, intermediate, or advanced warlock.

Beginner Ability Causes Element

Air Hurricane blast Strong gust of wind
Storm brings a small rain shower
Earth None None
Fire Pyrokinesis Control over small flames
Empathy Feeling other's thoughts
Water Hydrokinesis Minor waves
Temp control Raises or drops temp in water

Intermediate: Element Ability Causes

Air Hurricane Blast Gust of wind blows back opponent
Temp control Control over outside temperature
Earth Green Thumb Faster growth of plants
Fire Pyrokinesis Starting and extinguishing fires
Water Hydrokinesis Waves, minor whirlpools, and Aquatic life communication

Advanced Element Ability Causes

Air Hurricane blast wind picks up opponent
Storm a storm that you control
Temp control You choose to drop or raise
temp from 0-200*F while you
remain unaffected
Earth Green thumb Creation of plants, growing
Geokinesis Minor earthquakes, allows you
to raise and control the ground
Fire Creation Allows you to create objects

Pyrokinesis Full control over fire
Healing Healing a devastating wound
Empathy Feeling another persons emotions
Water Hydrokinesis Waves, whirlpools, control over
aquatic life
Ice-over Turn water into ice, create ice

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White magick

Heal an Animal(1):
"Goddess with your healing touch
Bless this animal we love so much.
With beasts as your domain,
Remove the sickness,
Heal the pain!
(So mote it be)

Heal an animal(2):
"Spirits of the forest,
An animal is dying.
From negative forces that wish to kill it,
Thine does no deserve it.
Heal it!"

Breaking a Sorcerer's Curse:
"With rabbits foot and magick verse,
I turn around this wicked curse.
As these words of mine are spoken,
Let this evil spell be broken."
(start out using a candle when you do this)

To Reverse a Curse:
"This spell on me
I return to thee,
To the who hast so ill-wished me.
So mote it be!"
(Repeat twice)

Mother Nature's Spell:
"Spirits of nature,
I know you are pain.
Use me as tool,
So that strength you may regain.
Holders of the forest,
Heal this all by me.
Plant, animal, Earth,
Dying as can see,
Let it all be healed!
So mote it be!"
(This spell is hard and rarely works to the desired effect. I use it to
turn grass green, heal animals, and help plants grow and survive.)

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Using elemental energy
In this section you will learn some uses for elemental energies. You've
probably seen how warlocks, sorcerers, and mages can make fireballs,
and make the earth shake and cool stuff like that in movies. Well, all
of that can be done in real life. Here are a few of the things I have
ran across and used. Yes, the all work. There is the name of the
technique, and then the chant. I also include if there needs to be a
candle or glass of water, stuff like that. 
For the advanced versions of 
these and more elements listed go here to the elemental spell study guide.


Omni maximus pyro luminoct
(Need to visualize fire, works best if close to lit candle)

Omni bentidoct pyro luminoct
(fills an object with the power of fire)

Heal open wounds:
omni bentidoct pyro emperoct


Earth ball:
Omni maximus taura luminoct

Omni bentidoct taura luminoct
(fills object with earth element)

Omni Bentidoct taura doriso
(increases the magician's strength)

Omni bentidoct taura emperoct
(recovers stamina and heals weakness)

Omni maximus taura bentidoct
(causes minor vibrating to small shakes in the earth)

Sacred soil:
Omni taura luminoct canoptis
(Purifies soil to make plants grow faster)

Air-is the magick and psychic empowerment

Lightning ball:
Omni maximus thundora luminoct
(creates a small ball of electricity)

psychic empowerment:
Omni bentidoct thundora luminoct pises
(opens third eye and increases psychic abilities ten-fold)

Create wind:
Omni thundora luminoct
(starts slight breazes, repeat thundora to increase winds)

Omni bentidoct thundora emperoct
(Purifies the spirit)

omni maximus hydro luminoct
(creates small waves)

Omni maximus hydro thundoris

Omni bentidoct hydro luminoct
(makes an item sacred)

Water ball:
Omni maximus hydro luminoct

Omni bentidoct hydro luminoct
(fills object with water element as you imagine the water creating things with some thought about water stream)

Omni Bentidoct hydro doriso
(increases the magician's strength as ability is air and water)

Omni bentidoct hydro emperoct
(recovers stamina and cures as this heals weakness)

Wave effect:
Omni maximus hydro bentidoct
(causes minor vibrating to small waves that end up)

Sacred water by blessij:
Omni hydro luminoct canoptis
(Purifies soil as this blesses things to make plants grow faster)

Due note again: For the advanced versions of these and more elements llisted go here to the elemental spell study guide.

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Element magick

Using elemental powers
In this section of the doc, I will teach how to use elemental energies
for combat and healing reasons. you must first realize that it is very
dangerous to mess with the elements, the very things that give us life.
You must also take into consideration, if you summon wind to you, there
will be no wind somewhere else. If you summon a storm, it will be dry to
the north. If you use fire, you mess with climate, if you use water, you
mess with the essence of life, and so on.

Using element energy:
You obviously must first learn how to use this energy. Raise youdominant hand into the air and feel the energy pulsating around it. Recognize the fire, ice, earth, and air that surrounds you all day.Visualize the desired element pouring into you. Let it mix with your energy. At this point, your body is prepared to cast elemental energy.

Constructing a Fire Ball:
Raise you dominant hand and mix with the fire element. Visualize fire
and lava swirling around you, inside and out. Let it climb up your body
until the lava/fire reaches the palm of your hand. Let the energy
collect their until you feel that the energy is hot enough. This
technique sounds easy, like all others will on this page, but it takes
LOTS of practice to achieve even the smallest effects.

Fire-cast Healing:
If you are wounded, and want to use the fire element to heal yourself,
do this. Close your eyes and visualize your entire body made of lava.
Where the pain is, visualize steel. Let the lava flow over and over the
steel until it too turns into lava. Once accomplished, you should be
healed, and it might be a little warm in the once wounded area.
Fast cast healing is not so similiar, its feel the fire as around your hand
and accelerate the healing nature with the white fire as it vibrates down
your arm and into the wound.

This lowers the given temperature in a room. Visualize ice on the walls
around you, and it's so cold you can see your breath. Keep this
visualization strong. Now try and remember what it feels like when
you're cold. Let this feeling flow through the room. In about a minute's
time, the temp should drop just a little.

Water Purification:
No, this is NOT self-purification. It is the ability to take spoiled or
polluted water, and then transform it into pure water. You must be
standing/sitting close to the petrified water. Reach out your hand and
place it into the water, so that you palm is flat on the surface. Close
your eyes and visualize a clean spring or waterfall. Visualize the pure
water from it coming and wiping the polluted water away.

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The Ability Over Fire
Pyrokinesis is one of my favorite abilities. It is the ability over
fire. This is an advanced skill, and can be dangerous to others around
you if you don't have control over it. The key to Pyrokinesis is
focusing on what you want the flame or fire to do, and willing it to
happen. Here I have listed a few ways to develop and increase you
pyrokinesis skills.

The best way to develop and train your Pyrokinesis skills is a technique
called the dancing flame. Get in a relaxed position, and grab a match.
Light the match on fire and focus on the flame. Create a "tunnel"
between you and the flame. Now visualize the flame going out. You must
be focusing on only the flame. With enough will power, and hard
concentration, the flame will go out. Putting a flame or fire out is the
easiest part of Pyrokinesis. Making the flame or fire relight is the
hard part. Once you can make the flame burn out, Focus on the flame
relighting. After a few weeks of doing this, you will notice that once
the flame is out, you will be able to see the ember start to turn red
again as though it wanted to relight. Once you practice enough, it will
relight. This is the easiest way to develop and train Pyrokinesis. This
technique DOES WORK!! I started out a year ago by practicing the dancing
flame, and now I can make a decent sized fire dim down and go out just
by a wave of the hand. Then I can relight small parts of it.

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Control over ice and sub-zero temperatures
What is cryokinesis? Part ice element, and part psychic. An example of
powerful cryokinesis is subzero, from mortal combat. It literally is
the manipulation of, and control over, ice. Here are some abilities
that will come from practicing cryokinesis:
1. Drop temperatures in a room.
2. Make someone cold, but nobody else.
3. Create frost.
4. Turn water to ice.
5. Create ice.
6. Project ice at an opponent.
7. Cause an opponent to suffer from hypothermia.
8. Metabolic freezing if someone/thing (turn to ice)

Those are a few of the main things people aim for. But I've only met
one person who can turn ITEMS to ice. I have only reached the ability
to cause hypothermia, along with being able to emit mist from my body.
Here are a few techniques I have developed, as I have only seen one
other place on the web that provides info on cryokinesis.

Proper preparation:
Your body needs to be in the right condition in order to be able to
safely perform cryokinesis, for if one is properly conditioned, he/she
is immune to the effects of ice.

Start out by Taking a piece of ice and holding it in both your hands.
Keep your fist clenched around the ice, and don't let go, no matter how
much it hurts. Time yourself for one minute. After a minute, you may
release the ice cube. Do this five times a day. After a week, extend
the time to two minutes. After another week, extend it to three
minutes. Then after a month, keep the ice cube in your hand until it
melts. Make sure you condition both hands equally. During this twomonth
period, also begin taking cold baths. Lower the temperature of
the water, every week that you extend the time you hold on to the ice

After this training period of about two months, you body should be
conditioned to withstand hostile temperatures. You can only manipulate
ice as much as you body can handle.

Standard Ice Ball:
Stand in a grounded position. Place your hands out in front of your
navel (belly-button). Shape them just as you would if you were creating
a ki or psi ball. Now visualize the water element all around you,
flowing in between your hands. Then visualize a cold gust of wind
sweeping across and forming the water into ice. Force the ice into a
ball between your hands, and let the ice keep materializing in between
your hands, until you've made a complete ball. There should a cold
point in the center of your palms. This is where the ice element power
is actually produced.

Dropping the temperature in a room:
Stand in a comfortable position, and feel out the energy around you.
Then begin to focus on the temperature of the room you are in. This
works best if the temperature is already a little cold. Now visualize
the air getting colder, and the energy freezing into ice. It helps to
picture a thermometer dropping. Then begin to visualize waves of ice
emitting from your body, and going through the entire room. If
successful, the room should get a little cooler.

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Mental Powers
Method 1-Telekinesis Wall:
Sit down and stare at the object that you wish to move. Now, with any
type of energy, start making a wall of energy in front of you. When the
wall is finished, visualize it as a wall of glass. Put your hand(s) out
in front of you and shoot out a little ki to push the wall. Send the
wall crashing into the object. With any luck, the item will budge a
little. Start with something small, like a cheap plastic ring.

Method 2-Will power:
Once again, get in a relaxed state in front of the item. Close your eyes
and become familiar with the energy in that room. With your eyes still
closed, visualize the object SLOWLY start to move. Re-run the event over
and over again in your mind. Open your eyes and see if there was an
effect. If there wasn't, then you either didn't put enough time into it,
or you don't meditate enough to have a clear mind.

Method 3-Mental Hand:
Close your eyes and relax in front of the object. Focus on your aura.
Visualize a hand coming from your brain. As it comes out, so is your
aura. Slowly lead the hand towards the object. Lead the hand as you
would any other. Let it grasp the object. Make it have a tight grip. Now
SLOWLY push/pull the object. If your concentration is good enough, you
can even try picking it up to make the item float. Open your eyes and
look at what is happening.

A Spoon Bending:

Meditation required before performance: 5-10 min
Pick up a spoon and hold it in your dominant hand. Hold it so that your
thumb is placed against the handle just before the spoon-head, and the
other 4 placed against the back. Close your eyes and feel out the energy
around you. Close your eyes. Start rubbing your thumb up and down on the
spoon. After about a minute, the spoon will start to feel warm. In your
mind, visualize the thumb and spoon merging together. At this point,
your thumb should be the spoon, and the spoon part of your hand (in your
mind). Now bend the spoon like you would bend your thumb. Open your eyes
and see if you were successful.

Psi Wheel:

Take a small object and tie it to a string. Hold the string by the tip
so that the item dangles at the bottom. Now visualize the object
twirling in a circle. DO NOT MOVE YOUR HANDS! It should begin to rotate
in a circular motion. This is an excellent technique for developing will


Telepathy is an ability that is really useful and fun to use. It involves communicating, receiving thoughts, and sharing thoughts using your mind. Twins are normally born with a strong ability for telepathy with the other twin. But, any person who really wants it can also develop it.

To use telepathy, you must know how to link your minds together. To do
this, focus on the person you want to link with. There are two methods
of linking together. Each one is for a different purpose.

Method one:
This method is for communicating through your mind with somebody at a
visual range. The person who you are going to talk to normally has to
ready to receive your message, but once you get advanced enough, you can
do it without them knowing your about to. To begin, visualize a beam
coming from your brain and going into his. This means he can receive
your message. Once you are fully concentrated on the beam, Focus on the
words you want him to receive traveling through the beam into you
partner's head. If done correctly, he should receive the message.

Method two:
This method is for long-range communication, mind train (see mind
training section), and for communicating with multiple people at the
same time. To this, grab or focus on the person who you want to
communicate with. Now visualize your minds connecting together into one
brain. Now you can talk freely within each other. For mind training, use
the same procedure, but when you are in the dark void, you should see
the other person in there too. For communicating with multiple people,
just visualize all of your minds connecting at the same time. This
method is mainly for more advanced practitioners. Method one is for

Now that you know how to send messages using telepathy, I will tell you
how to receive the messages. To receive the messages, you must not
be focusing on anything but receiving the message. For practice, have a
friend send you a color or number using telepathy. When you are trying
to receive it, it is normally the first thing that comes to your mind.
Note: This is a great thing to do at parties.

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Hybrid Psi
The Hybrid Psychism

First, you must realize that there is no gravity, just energy holding
you down. This is because the negative and positive energies are
colliding to keep you in place. Your body has the negative charges,
while the energy coming down has the positive charges. Here's the
effect. Raise one hand up above your head, and the other below your
waist. Make the bottom one come up, and the top one come down. They'll
collide mid-way and hold each other still. But if you hold one hand out
at chest level, and the other above your head, then when the top hand
comes down, if the other goes with it instead of colliding against it,
the top hand looses all it's force. It's the same way with "gravity."
Realizing that, make the negative charges in your body go with the
positive charges (go with the flow). This will neutralize all effects
that the energy had on gravity. At this point, your legs should feel
weightless. Bring that feeling up through your entire body. At this
point all you have to do is close your eyes and use your will power to
lift you up. "feel" yourself going up in your mind. If you can make that
feeling realistic, then when you open your eyes, you should be hovering
about 3-4 inches off the ground. The stronger the will, the higher you
go. All you have to do is keep the feeling inside of you to stay up.

Mind Reading:
Look at someone (a friend) that's standing about 6 feet away from you.
Think of something you want to know about them. Think of this real hard
for this is the goal you will try to reach. Look at them directly in the
eyes. Visualize your sight piercing through their eyes and looking into
their mind. At this point, a bunch of images should start flashing
through your mind, all of them containing some sort of info about what
they're thinking. Use your will power to look hard and stay very aware
through this sudden flash of memories and images. If concentration is
strong enough, the images will stop flashing through and stop at the
image that will show you what you wanted to know. Look at and study the
image. The answer to your question will suddenly pop into your head.

Using a pendulum:
The pendulum is a VERY good beginner’s choice to learn how to feel the
psychic waves in the air. It's what I started out with. To make a
pendulum, take a string of thread and tie a fairly light object to the
end. Hold it by the tip of the string in your dominant hand. Start off
by asking yourself a "yes or no" question in your head. Observe the
pendulum and pay close attention to which way it begins to move.
Clockwise, counter-clockwise, left and right, and up and down. The
pendulum will do one of those depending on the answer. If the answer is
yes, then whichever way it swings will be the sign that the answer is
yes. Figure out which way yours swings for every type of answer.

Once you've observed and memorized what each direction means, you can
start to practice with private audiences (one or two friends). Have them
ask you a yes or no answer question. Watch which way the pendulum
swings, and answer accordingly. If you did it right, you should answer
the question correctly. The effect on the people watching will probably
be something like "Holy sh*t! How the hell did she do that?" After
continues practice with the pendulum, you should begin to notice that
you will know the answer to the question before the pendulum has time to
react. That means that you are gaining the ability to 'feel' the vibes
in the air as the pendulum does. Thus, the pendulum has served its

Body dowsing

  The goal today is to learn a method by which you can know the energies of another so you can better discern how to respond to their teachings. A simple form of body dowsing is to ask a direct question in a "yes" or "no" format. Keep the question simple; there is actually an art form to asking questions in a concise manner. However as you think, for our purpose today we ask you to practice with questions such as, "Is my name____? Do I have a dog? Am I a female?" Practice with easy questions you know the answers to so feel free to ask. Avoid esoteric questions or those that are not your business, this is unless you want to get somewhere else and the person is violent.

  First think, then stand erect in a balanced position. If your answer is a "yes," your body will slightly move forward. In reverse, if the answer is "no," your body will gently sway backwards. This technique is very subtle and works best when you are completely balanced, loose and hydrated. We suggest you practice any dowsing technique you choose quite often before relying on the results. This is also a great way to shop for food and vitamins. Simply hold the object in your hand or next to your heart and ask if it is in your best interest to take this product. There are many ways you can use this simple technique.

  However I think for today's purpose, we are suggesting this technique as one of many possible ways to discern the level of trust you can hold in another person. The goal is to find out where the other person is coming from. Are they coming from a place of light and sincerely have your best interests at heart? For this is the other Being from the dark and trying to manipulate you into doing something, that ultimately is not in your best interest? Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between the two.

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© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.

Document compiled, edited and minor fixes by Cazruzult
Information taken from the Underground Society

Placed in html and added to by Skyhawk