is the actual practice of thought body control. Due note: kudilini, can
do heart damage, or lung trouble, for those of weak stamina, or medical
heart conditions. Unless, the person is physically strong, then no
problems will happen. It starts with the meditation, the art of calm
focus, and uses the lotus stance of yoga, or pretzel stance, that is
folding your legs, underneath the body, as an alternative, sit in
comfortable position. Then it goes with practice, as described below. Finally, it is the mind acting upon the body, to make the shift of energy body do whatever you want. This was taught first by kudilini the
magician, who got killed by the escape, as from a glass tank filled with
water, and he himself was upside down with being in chains, as though a point in a life
jacket. Ever afterwords, thus if the practice was actively done then we'd be thought in purpose.
method is the secret to this. To
start use these stretching exercises to do things better @ here. It is the meditation that cinches the idea. When you
begin the meditation, have the thought in mind of control, of body to
perfection. Have been thinking about it, the meditation begins with the
yoga stance. This is one leg over the other, with the feet tucked
inside the legs. The process is thus to, focus your mind on making, the
body loose without tension. Then think, "mind control, over body". Keep
focus on this by thinking, about it for 5 minutes, to 30 minutes. Thats
it, except for the next step! Do this practice for a days, timed
intermittently, to a few weeks and you, will be ready for the next step
which uses the thought "Shifting ones concious makes a change." The
methods listed below.
Some actual practices of this are to:
Kudilin for fire control
Almost stop your heart to be apparent dead..
Burst anothers heart.
Healing yourself by sheer
willpower and knit bones as well.
Feeling no pain.
Making the body need no sleep.
Being double jointed.
Being energetic while
Wielding your body to make
a power fist.
Kudilin is the basic art of fire manipulation and is a different form of Kundalini. It
starts by feeling your inner warmth and intensiifying it as you summon
fire from without. This is by feeling the warmth and fire energy that
surrounds you. Then, you feel it and think it to come to you and
surround yourself. Entering into the body. When you do this, feel your
inner warmth rise even more.
Move the warmth of the fire all the way through the
body chakra points. Start by imaging it to be spread throughout the body, from your
head to your toes. This is where you get relaxed and lose all tension
in your body. Then, it forms on your skin, as a shield against demons.
This shield raises your body energy that raises the body temperature so
your never cold. The fire aids your every effort. To make yourself
colder, imagine the fire turn light blue. Emit death energy by thinking
your death essence can mix with the fire, then you get an instant death
effect or you can create a death fire shield.
Then, you can feel your strength increases 4x and the
energy potential of the body raises itself. Your energy effects are
likely to increase. But, you can only draw so much energy into
yourself, before you burn out. So ground yourself after your done and
as you do this. Use this technique when you feel the need to. Keep it
up as you intend to be stronger. This effect will allow you to cast
forth fire effects easily, and allow more intense magic thats possibly
instant. However, with this effect, you get the idea of what you want.
Then, you can make suggestions to yourself. These are suggestions you
hear that are almost always done.
Grounding is done by taking a shower, bath or
imagining roots enter the earth from yourself that stretch to lava.
And, feeling the energy go to the earth and purifying itself. What you
put to the earth, you get back pure. Keeping yourself grounded is
necessary for the body to be in balance with the flow and ebb of life.
This is only necessary, as you use this technique. Without grounding,
this could make suggestions very easy to manifest.
Either one, kundalini or kudilin which is fire
manipulation, can make insightful visions that occur at moments where
the fire energy fills your head. This fire energy can be intense and
the intensity can make the visions come. The fire can go off from you
in waves, as in using it constantly 2 months or more. Thus, you create
a pulsing effect of fire.
Making your heart slowed to the point, of the body appearing dead is simple, yet needs discipline. Where the meditation comes into play. is it gives you the discipline. All you need, is feel you body, feel your body slow down, and think "body heart almost stop". Keep focusing on the idea of this, until you have made your body, bend to your will. Stop almost when the heart, beats very very slowly, as if you don't, the heart would stop completely, so to come out of this, try to make your body, awaken by focusing on the word awaken, for you will come to unconsciousness, only to awaken a few hours, to days later. Your body should come out of it, as this prevents damage, to the body as well. For the effort to slow, down to heart, will cause metabilism to be disrupted. If the heart comes to normal, the metabilism is restored, if the heart is stopped, your dead.
The heart bursting technique is similiar, to the indian heart killing technique, which was done for revenge. But only by the shamans or braves of the tribe, if trained. This technique is rather, amazing, in its simplitude, for it can be easily done. You have to be panicked, and focus that panic. Alternatives, are to focus any other emotion, as the fuel, for emotion never dries up. When focused, try to will, the opponents, heart to burst, making sure to think on or feel, the persons first. Then close your hand slowly, imagining the heart of victim in it. Simple technique but it works, for it uses three parts, a power source, a ritual, and a focus. Or focus your mind on the adrenaline surge and will it towards your foe to burst foes heart. This best works at a distance, for at a greater distance, the more the effect.
To heal by willpower is to say, while focusing your emotion, "I will make your body knit". When your body knits together, or someone else's, you will be drained. Its simple, for its just a phrase, whereas the alternative, try to touch the persons, back or heart area, and think "heal" or say "hearepro" (heh-lane-reap-pro). Think heal, and will emotional power to heal, the victim you thought of. or see wounded. This will cause the person, to heal quickly. If focused with enough emotion, like sheer outrage, pain, hatred, love, as if after a disaster or disruption, it will heal the person, perfectly within minutes.
To have no pain is amazing! You could have a wound, yet there is no pain. Only, laugh a little, for the effect of no pain, is no emotion, creating the deranged effect, where the body will do anything, of wounds, inflictions, and burns, without flinching, wiith an added benefit of uncaring nature. This can lead to easily killing, without fear. So, focus your mind on the thought, of "no pain in body", think of yourself. Feel your body disappear, in a numbness that spreads, all over yourself. Force the remaining pain to go down, and out of your body, into the earth, to dissipate. The pain will have disappeared, by this moment. You still have to treat wounds, and make focus to heal, yet you won't realize thier is a wound. Use the energy of your, own body to do this practice, by focusing calm, or other emotion and thought.
How to achieve no sleep? It is focusing your mind, on the thought of "sleep without sleep". Your eyes will seem open, yet your body is asleep, where the body is awake while, the mind part awake, is the thinking part. To maintain this state, have the thoughts of you, remaining wakeful, to maintain this state. If the body seems tired, drink water, or anything with water, to rejuvate. You always are wakeful, at least in the mind, and somewhat the body and mind. Keep focus on this, and you will be fully, awake and refreshed. Once your focus is relaxed, you will probably go asleep. This could cause heart, trouble, through the stresss, of staying awake longer than the body, naturally is awake.
Being double jointed is simple. To do this, focus on your body being double jointed, during meditation. This is where you can bend, your body to extremes, and not feel pain, and this has no deranged effect. When you feel your body change, from within, you are ready. The test is making your body, at the leg bend backwards without trying at all, or getting your arm, to bend backward around your back.
The levitation is a simple, concept
of release of energy, of feet, thats practiced in martial arts, to cause lift. When the person focuses,
on a supportive energy, in which the energy is, the focused near the
feet. Think "lift me off the ground, as in levitation energy, of my
feet", or a happy thought as you release. Finally, the release of built
up, energy. The release is simple, think and focus, the word release!
This must be done after, at least a minute, of energy focus.
To become energetic while awake, all through the day, think of and focus, on being energetic. Think of happy thoughts, to achieve this effect, with last thoughts that, should be "because I thought this, I am now energized". Focus all day long, on being energized, or the word "energized" and energy that sustains is what you think to consider.
To make a powerfist or shift, just focus on thought keeping to release in air or elemental energy including fire of the mind. This is a knock back in an area or create by focus and use of your fist, or body place you want to fight with or shift by will through gravity. The body should be able to make enough energy in which to work a minor to major auratic shift. The more focus, the more chance of creative effort. This is being hexing or curse cures as energy though in your own time disentagrative, as if you quit hitting the queen lady or think by what focus in thought is equal there. Thought to here as use is to think of pleasure, thought and the amount is force water in fire idea.