The nature of metaphysics is the basis of all magics
and physics and can be considered metamagic or mind magic and that is metaphysics based in
empirical science.
Emperical natural science is using an action with a conclusion gained
by some point of some standards in use with iffy thought, that is used as though an art
form or magic to do an idea you find neat. Then is a concept to seem as though
in use of those who observe facts, or can make free standing thesis
laws till disproven that support what law there is by feel. Often
getting nowhere in the end, until added with those of scientific basis.
The spiritual laws work with metaphysics or natural laws that underlie
the laws of what science you know.
It works with set conditions or cluse as thought is the clues you
see, and several cluse allows for a basis in science or how one thing reacts.
Science works with physical laws based on physical interaction as a point
is thesis, testing and experimentation. That ends up sometimes, if provable,
then as a law in effect. So then it's to not destroy things, unless necessary
in the area by doing an ideal with will or thinking to create something better.
So this is done as thought for things are used in combination.
That is what you think it's for, thinking to use idea for natural things
in observance. That is like fey is corrected by feeling and understanding
in examples, so if by theories and your correct with philosophy for
explaining why. This is used methodology to think in compliance, feel and
that is done for cluse is thought of empirical laws of metaphysics,
if you think to do things then use is a thought. That we can make a
strict law of concept from examples, or that if this would not exist
then this can exist if necessary. This I know works, if the creator
or experimentor makes allowances for the point.
Thought and you will the energy to make generally what won't to
seem to exist, though as if observance with both sides to reflect as before
the moment is known. You know what is there by a set pattern otherwhere,
observed by the spirit or conscious point. This is seen and by the moment
you indicate or think to observe and think to make with the subconscious,
this makes the physical point stable energy in decent thought. That's set
by the matter in law, see with the empirical law that is possible to set
aside if you think by feel for use as a example.
A rule is a set example or law that can be gotten around by changing the
conditions that were set for the law to work. Now this is with a rule in place
where you are in mind and that is some area in body or the inner world, such
as if this can use physical laws in spiritual lands. So think to set the law
of a varied conditioning representing a single effort, that is used with scientific
and spiritual basis, this makes it allowed in this case. See the point is done
to use magic and that is not against the laws of what you think, think of what
you can do and you create with what is there as life exists as a natural conclusion.
This is a point used by a concept you present with idea of what is done.
of a theory or opinion is used to claim information is true, really that's as a point with two or
more similiar opinions. The basis is true unless the opposing view is
to not accept. There is nothing in endless conclusions, so empirical
science fails in physical approach as a place is used for an area. This
is not done in a world of activity, but succeeds if combined with scientific
basis or the basis behind scientific approach. That's set by experiment
which is seeable as the fundemental reason how.
So this is a point for why, that is used information of a view you
can get as the Empirical reason. People quit for the wasted time of just
Empirical. For Empirical laws tend to take months and they are working
off rumours. That means to create the cluses and clauses, and then the
basis for the factual law is a point you go through with thought experiments.
One problem, the cluses are opinion until proved and some aren't provable,
sometimes they seem reasonable until not getting a result. So most give
up after moonthes or months of trial and error or not doing things at all.
nature of metaphysics is that it is there and set on three rules and the
intertwining of such rules.
The affinity of something, this is an attraction and unattraction of objects or humans in and of a relation. Think about it as a magnet. Hold another magnet to the magnet with a negative to negative pole of force and one magnet will repulse the other without ever meeting in the middle. If the poles of force are positive to negative or positive to positive, they will attract each other and they will meet in the middle. Chemical actions/reactions are also good classification for this rule.
Like actions that can control or manipulate like actions through linking actions, exerted force over an object, or visualization from a person. 'As above, so below. Make something happen on a small scale, and give it the energy to happen on a large scale.' Witchcraft is a very good example. The act of witchcraft is when the person visualizes an action, and does a moment of action to incur it by the fact in included idea, that is physical. Thus, making the imagined moment happen through that action. The ultimate goal of thaumaturgy, this is set to occur an action through exactly the same, so for almost the same likenesses, this is done by applied force.
much focus in thought, as a grey ritual is just as good as a real one
and how in use you are much in idea as that you put into the moment,
think to occur
the moment and if you feel, make it happen. The amount of thought
equals amount of
energy. Think an approach and that is what you can change as you think
about the situation or otherwise that means you are on a project with
creation as the main impression and the focus is on that project intended.
The more energy you have, the more chance of manifesting or finishing
things. If distracted, the project sometimes never gets done, because
of sidetracking. The more will one has to occur the project to completion,
the more power one puts into the point. Eventually, the project is finished.
Think of this as power equals amount of will, thought is directed spirit
and focus is use for some idea of energy that gets transferred. What one
is philisophically brought up by idea in use as beliefs, the will can flavor
the project and how it is achieved. The power of persuasion is based off
this, such as it is a sheer focus to convince people of your belief. The
more will one has, think to make the other person believe, this is done in
what he or she has said, the more chance of it occurring an action from things.
Observation is also keen to this rule of the mind. Thin and moderate body weight
can create better effects. So think about the idea and your soul uses the spirit
to get results. The weight doesn't matter, if you can create any result you
can create with a point as in idea you need and you find or get the desired
Act to do if to create or not as thought if your use is an alternator, see this is an activity to create or feel by what
you see. There is the alternator as a point, the idea as if use by idea your use is correct in use an alternator can create.
Tis is by thought directed at the alternator itself, so that seems as incredible as this sounds your
ability is from the newer set of idea. See as you think or nevermind the idea, you can still create
or use creator energy. This is the view the new religion or thought in some area in use, I sensed
will be of use if things are well. Consisted or unconsisted act is a moment that ends, when you don't
need the effect that is the earth in thought or considered the religion of activity, sometimes this
is used by concept in with thought and use by water. or things you consider in use as a concept which
is a conclusion. Think a point and you create with the use, this is a point in the past.
There is a point to place and create with plants, think in idea with a point
and then see to use clean plants pots, and use is focus to cure or use by
herbs and in concern is this by thought. Focus in on the concern
and your use is focus, so I think to crete is setting idea to crater
a moment to use the the energy from the moment of creation and as
activity ceases. Use in thought is a thought ritual and your use
is creative, this uses ore as a energy and as focus creates what
you think by the body energy. The ideal and influence with the
soul where force is not as use, this is not a force in pleasure.
This is a force done by the point.
Plant affluent is what can create by the act to create it is
to make by thought, there as a point is something in doing the act. That is used
to make the act outside your feel or use. This is not as a noting point where
you don't direct or consider in use, so act as you can and you don't do this
as this is affluence in nature. That means the right drug use. Think in harmony
as life energy, that is through a thought directive or not thought change.
This is used by thought and that in use by water flow or a herb mint. This
is a point of taste or refreshment.
Thought and interwinned energy is mixed with basil and affluence
where this is in mind over matter endowed by energy, the point as affluence
is just a thought to use the third eye and you create with force or act to
see as you intend. Also, that is the effluence in direct area use detected by thought to
make what you in idea, this is a herbal drug as essential oils usable by energy in
whatever you need as that means you direct. Then your with a point and what you think
you focus, so focus in focus is what you think. Think in a point done by idea, then
you create with life and make with accurate information.
You are what you think, the spirit is your thoughts and you are relaxing what
your thought is by what in tense and untense, so you seem your out with idea, see that's as a
feel is energy and that creates by muscle that your blood uses where your in focus and not intense
is the headache. Seen as you want release, you are at a point or considered use is from what
is observed, think from the tension and with release your heart restores itself by the idea
and if necessary your will is a concept. That is what I observed with this thought.
This makes in a cause that makes things, that are availiable
and untense is tension by muscle relation or relaxation with release
and that uncreates, such as your muscles bunch up and go into a much
more interesting relaxation meditation, that in use is done by the
mind's eye where you are with will to unbunch. See as incredible
as this sounds, if thought use dissipates the bad energy then it's
by the muscles, unclenching and making the effective idea your idea.
This is the effect you can see as use, where as a point is over. Think
to know as you do this and you realize what yo need to know.
Influence is usable as though an act is thought to
do with an act of conscious, think or make concept to create a concept
that is sometimes in use. If you think an act to create an act, where
is the area to do the activity, use "or not" as this is a point of
a game of chance and that's game magic, that if use is done by thought.
You can do summoning with the point, unless the concept of energy
is unwanted, that is energy from an energon cube or battery and
focus to create where that is to state or do things and if the
game in use creates your luck, your lucky. This may or may otherwise
seem what is thought as there, if concept is expression and there
by the use in thinking. Dopamine use is sometimes a point. So think
a point and you create with what is there.
"Sometimes to due in mind is pay in to you or if you feel energy by thought then it's as you
use improved psychism, this is using an idea with an intelligence boost. So this makes
everything, that is almost as real is there. Unless thought drug, that means you may want
something that is addicting. The creative idea is what you see, that can cancel nearly anything
done. The use that is thought negated is not actually done, think by the creator, so thid is using
an act to create a thought. Where this is concept sometimes, there is a path to the light. Think
to the creator, that imagination is intent and that is positional by the view or that's in no value,
where the gesture viewed or creative, That's straight out of an archive, this isn't possible in
real life." -Director Howard Shore
Realism in use is this as some area era point, that is not always actually there as if a thought.
This could not seem to use what you intend, that's as energy for new concept is what you think you can create and
this is what is used in thought. Such as a point if there by the feel and focus you have, you are in intended idea,
effluence in thought is sometimes effluent in feel and that is thought to work with energy. So it's that or this
or act to create with energy thought to create with idea, seen as you don't do things you have no need, seeable
as a source then is not exactly in use. Think in a point and you realize what this said.
So with this an alternator is some alien device that you can use with targets by the souls
idea to create time or feel, otherwise not use is the waves or lava to create some alternator effect.
Sometimes as use is creative idea to see as swishing, see or use a cup to swish water and you can
see that is mixing or so you see. See what is theory is where you can create by the meditation or
area, useful is thought and by use this is relief with the area for seen use is with idea or creative
feel is mood by music. Think as the use is alternate you change area feel, or thought changes by use
with idea.
Think in use or out use and think if necessary
to do things, there is a focus to show and the subconscious switches around
an idea as arrangement or thought as necessary. That is what makes the
point in the head, this is used in a personal concept or done in view
with an idea, this idea or not use isn't what is normal and as yet is
what seems real. That's real only sometimes, so think and you know whst
is there.
That is prescribed but not required, this is used in energy
and in medication and not makes what's included. What the effect dissipated in pattern
is is energy, so as there's nothing done this can be dismissed in language to the point
your living changes to better. This is a point and exposed in new thought as you intend
you get, so think as a concept thought is a point but memories are what create, you
aren't a conclusion. What you think makes things, that is where they are a thought
by mind that "end" in the mind. Drop in the pattern in the mind, see as that's an
object this is dropped, so lets consider this is ended and let's go and mention things
as this is done. So that fits entropy as nothing exists nothing is done. The energy
point is where you get to create things, think and you know what is useful.
Examples of idea
A power kinetic likes use or otherwise nothing is better in
thought, if this is made by sense there is a point as though you shared an eye
to share information. If an eye is returned, you basically percieve what is experienced.
So you use the third eye and things you do are a source is generated and once
done. Such as a point is a point of view in change, charged by the point of
perspective in view to shift energy, if this is ideal in tron. Use is a point
of considerance. What you think is no expense and consider things as they
are for the moment, that means there is a possible expense and as that is
a point to use a perceptive view then thought is the view. If that appears
in mind, your thought is what you think. Noticed in a view as if the essence
there is useful, think to expose the idea that you consider to see the perspective.
Where progress is made, use is that which can lead to
possession, though as a point if a focus is not there, your use is a point to avoid
for too much stress or this is done in laxness by the heart where the moment it's
out is usable by what you are seeming with in energy. Tense a bit and you can reclaim your muscle
use. There is a point as that is without no use, you really do as needed, release the
tensions by focused meditation or think and feel it's released. You can use or not use
things, yet as if thought is this trick where you will to make something seem something
else, then it's as if a thought intent is rephrasing or creating an interesting idea
and it's as though their idea or not their idea with intent. The point is used in the
moment and what you think, unless important or neglect doesn't matter.
There is a point that you imagine the idea, so think as
something else is done if swapped out, and you realize what it is in a realization
for omnipotent energy with crown chakra use as you are aware by the spirit, this is before the
realization is there and you realize what the realization is by feel. As you think the annen
is energy from the mother, this is the planet you live on so you can use what future or past
energy is trackable. If you can create with what you want, this is done by what means you use
as drug and water use in life. There is a point used in form and it's not here in form unless
necessary. Otherwise things don't matter, they ceased to exist and you are left alone.
The nature
of energy is the act to think of a natural energy state that essence comes
from allows the object, telekinetics are use with objects to instruct with
body or use is dissipated energy. You may use other energy with thought programming
to act or not act, use is thought and focus is done to convince things that
are able to do the idea to make effect as if telekinetic. If by it's own energy
this is using your energy as a different tune to a different time. This is where
you think to create with energy by feel, or thinking to create things.
See this is a point and energy is used to restore the body and your body lives
as though the dimension brought you back, you can reform the body as you are
able to live by the creator remaking the energy makeup of the body. If you
intend to create a form to live, and as live moments happen the human body
can live on with feel. So no feel is no body response, energy is the creator
with this point.
What you will is with essence added to the body where this is a concept,
that means you can heal those you think about with love and as you create with
natural thoughts or your spirit, your able to use the energy as your thought
is a way to heal the body. So the state of consciousness itself is energy and
energy is almost parallel if not is parallel to the cycle of life. After life
we get a chance with the previous energy to renew and restore.
The world around us is very mysterious. It doesn't yield its secrets easily.
Now we are concerned with losing self-importance. So as long as you feel that you are
the most important thing in the world you cannot really appreciate the world around
you. You are like a horse with blinders, all you see is yourself apart from everything
else. Think as no is spoken so you do things to see and create what you intend as
thought is will, you use the energy of the brush where in thought this is created
idea by what you get.
This is thinking by the infinite idea or the creator use by energy, unless
not done by thought you don't have to do this or something you are used to with
dependancy by then is using you. That can create and keep things, if so you could
feel tired. If there is a point to this, then it is to get an effect, or nothing
happens if nothing occurs by what you do. If none then nothing can create some
idea, that means trial and error is a possibility. This is a point done by feel.
There is a point that energy reverts, think of the idea as intent and
the believed original object reforms where you are and otherwise. If your will
becomes what you consider sustaining you, what you do see and make is what
sustains you unless you act as if a thought or energy form. There is a point
in possible idea that if your thought is known, if you think or not use others
idea that might get you in trouble. What you think then is how to do things and
energy is used, if the person you are can summon. Summoning only happens with
a person willing to come, and that's if you think of the person and need them
to come or go.
This is usually in the mind as if another person is what can seem there,
so think as a dark and light thought is done, this point creates with their energy or otherwise
not as that is extra energy in balance within a light being formed. Shaped in
thought, stars do this as if shaping is thought and thought is energy. This is
where you form the conscious activity by point, though it's a thought and form
that creates by energy that the goddess isis protects you from if necessary,
see you will a thought and this isn't exactly advisable unless you think the
creator makes it safe. This doesn't always have to happen horrorifically unless necessary,
so as you think you can create, that is done as though thought were a piece
of your energy and this is like a piece of the earth or element. So you make use
of a gem, and that counts as life restored to your soul and parallel wise that restores
the gem if broken.
Seen is each act you do, that is able to sustain you as though an energy extract is
extract that is energy, and you are as a hill of beans. That's as if your an energy body,
this is formed from the creator essence. Sometimes with a thought if a concept is possible,
the idea is the creator conscious is a focus energy or thought. So it's really different,
where you can reform what you can think, this is done to seeming points you imagine and
use is energy, that creates as if the object or beans were a source or not. Need or think
as it is the moment in essence, then the spirit makes what you want and that's where you
think self conduct. This is usually to do things as life, that is you that will create
with some object and think things is leading to a better point. This is meant as action
with a method by means you choose, that allows you to use self-discovery by seredipity.
Think as though if TOLO and SAKE were thought to use at the end spells.
Since everything is in a state of change, a flux of energy
formed by use in thought is with natural energy, that is wizardry as
talent is a point done by energy to the form you project it to with idea.
Think it is only natural that these rules of meta considered thaumaturgy,
Affinity and mind over matter are use by focus, this is energy creation
and thought is done to create what you want. That is where you use an
object or person as a focus point by the thought you want.
See to work with the point you can get mixed results, thought
or made possible concept is used in union with each other. Where one rule
begins, sometimes another ends or works in conjunction with the first.
Think of this as thought created chemistry, this is where were natural
forces of will, thinking of the point you create with the energy and
that is the power of words or the soul. This like a chemistry experiment
where the reaction is equal to the other parts in balance to result
in a product. Take one part this rule; and mix it with that rule, then
you tend to equal the original rule. Think of the point and the soul
or spirit creates what is necessary.
The objective is to get a reaction by appliance of the new
rule. Think telepathic kinetic power that is telekinetic energy and use
is nothing, unlike what is the point to work with as thought in life so
you are aware. See as you know this is without life, you have awareness
of a dozen or so states that the brain treats as though dimensions.
There is something that creates and use is there, if there is no use
here, when you find things to do then your ability is with increase.
That is due to energy as you drink, eat or make the second energy
Think or create as you think or create with some idea, that is
a pattern in life, the pattern will create what is there or appear as
you focus as that is what you want in thought. There is what isn't a
state of mind, that's in a form of thought where you think the idea
is a point to use. A rough gate can form as thought to seem in use,
and if use is there then no actual thought is shown.
This is to show and cause where you seem to appear in life
before you appear. Think a balance of electricity as if you will in
mind what will occur, this is as if nothing moved there and your will
energy caused the correct idea to move something, so you can make things
to shift an idea. This works with parallel points as it shifts you shift
back with displacement. That is done by fey use or energy. This is useful
to transpond or move through time.
The minute or second or thought you don't want in life happens,
you can stop what you don't want, created or can use what is the creator to undo
what you think should be done and no longer need. Think or feel a need
by perception is use in a thought, focus by what energy that's there
is thought by sensation. Acceptance by the act is energy put to feeling
and the energy that is stimulus, this is usable by energy in what art
you choose in life. Car use is using an idea
as though to create with a thought and use is the consciousness of the car
itself. The whole of the car is greater so that energy which makes more than
that would seem likely. This is what i think that counts here, so if you think
to create things then you are aware by awareness from the things you have.
That's when a power kinetic is like use or nothing is better in
thought, if this made sense there is a point there as if an eye is
returned, so think as you use the third eye and things you do are a
source. This is generated and once done is energy to the body. So as
a point is a point of view or perspective in change. Then by the point
of perspective you can have a view shift, that's where you think as
if this is ideal in tron. Use is a point of considerance. Where you
think no expense and consider.
That makes a point there is a possible expense and this is
a concept point to use a perceptive view. Thought then is the view
that appears in mind. Noticed in a view as if the essence or energy
there is useful, think to expose the idea that you want to see for
results. There is some point in a use by feel in focus, that if your
use in a thought is a feeling your way then you can get what you want.
Assume is not assumption, so think as your in your need, this is felt
and the idea is individual creation.
Assume in thought that you can form what you think, then you
are in form or exist by what is there. Think and in your form is the
inner energy being, the inner universe that is what you create with
as a thought exists to your senses. This is your energy world known
as thought with an expanded universal feel, that can seem a use with
this so it's in what you can think. Your rules are what creates, that
is what is used in life and created in moments. You can create what
you think or not create in substance use with the idea you consider.
When you personally respond, you can use things as elements and use
is thought. The use is known and you can focus the idea, you can
use things as you think or create with a point as to focus an energy
is use with the focused mind. You speak and the subconcious creates
by subconjugating with the element that will work. This is where
you create with a point, the subconscious makes your point and you
create by feel. The point by feel is natural.
Also thought is the element in use or things done by the art
known, the elemental creative art, this is the use of elements that
aren't touched. When you focus and feel the thought of use to create,
use this with imagination, focus use and think by feel to see the idea
in a use. This is to feel into focus and thought creates, think to change
from energy, that is responsive to your idea and you can change your
form as you think of the form as a shape, feel the energy as spoken
intent and create the shape as thogh formation is necessary from
what you think to form it from the creator making the effect. Focus
in thought and as energy is use, you can think to create a left hand
of justice idea, you can create as will is there from will or construct
energy reprogrammed to your use.
There is usually in an inverse field energy some interesting result,
that is energy inversive to feel and creative is when your in the energy,
that is a seeming point and as you think to show what is there. This energy
can or can't really do anything. See it's your energy that is thought, that
means you react and this concept is thought and thought in use is felt in
purpose. So as in a drug use and otherwise where you create theory in the
minds eye, it's all that and more as a third eye thought to exist is manifestation
of the eye. That's used to create with and make as you will a construct by feel,
see by imagining the shape of the energy and what you think to it is what it can
Since in
idea everything is usually in a state of change and flux or otherwise nothing is a point
everything seems to happen, this means as your in the mind and not really noticed. That's
until thought about, so your invisible and this is only natural. There is when these rules
get mixed, or used in union with each other in life. This is not unlike sex, where you
think as the idea is feel and evident after to realize. The truth and your effect is
easily realized from what you think to use or think to observe. There is a point where
effort is too much, that's as though in the mixing and matching effect.
Where this is such a point to use, since you can focus and use the envisioned area
in thought and create with it's energy. This is using some area energy that you can think
and will to create with what you use in idea. See with the pinneal gland, and that's using
thought to activate this organ by the increased blood flow. Where you feel fatigue, think
something else and you can avoid passing out if not overdoing it with energy, what you
think is you shift easily or not do things as you shift back to your other place you came
from. This is a point from the past.
Where one rule begins, since you state the intent as the
original rule it will happen sometimes as another ends or this
works in conjunction with the first as the intention of this
idea happens to work and that is seen to creative use in thought.
Again, think of this like a chemistry experiment, where the reaction
is equal to the other parts in balance to result in a product.
Take one part this rule; and mix it with that rule, causing idea
to equal the original rule. The objective is to get a reaction by
appliance of the new rule or thought. The idea is a point, that makes what you desire so you think and
you know.
The use with drugs in voodoo is with some ideal of indian shamanism, people get into a
group and make magic occur through high ritual. I think to use with a point is so you decide what the use by feel, vision drugs an used ideal is some effect. That is for visual aid or are not required or are no use. The spirit is actually the drug agent that focus means in high ritual an use is ionic healing is focus some are usually done for the point after is recovery from the ritual with drugs, that led to shamanism with or without drug use to correct so there
are three parts; the forest use or the chant focus, the prayer with high feeling, and the
aftermath while cleaning up.
The chant focus is a subtle chant, that
starts low with a few people, to gain in strength and people number.
Prayer is the focus of the chant by thought, to cause the spirits to react and
make presence in the manner desired. The aftermath is the time of
resolution, the voodooist is resolved to a path of choosing. This path
is chosen before the ceromony, so when the rite ends, they are
rejuvenated with understanding of what to do.
a voodoo doll is representive of this as you will or wish. You put your thoughts into a
voodoo doll, and the ritual charges particles to do the action, that
you intended. In thier ceromonies, there are very high spiritual
feelings while enacting high ritual. That spiritual energy will
manifest, through the belief that the high chant will be enacted. Mind
over matter in a large group will cause the focus of the group through
affinity to happen.
A Voodoo
Witchdoctor goes by the belief that the person is a
two part being. Both good and evil are represented through te idea you feel necessary; the spirit
and the mind. What they seek is a balancing between the two parts of
the mind, the good and evil that is opinion. Good is a white representation and Evil
is a black as focus is equal to the representation balanced through karma or chi focus
to create. There is no Karma, as the energy that made Karma is gone and everything you
did, that is a concept as that and is isn't done as if an act that should like a tree
that isn't there as though expectancy. Karma is the energy chi creates
collected through personal acts in the soul as body ki. Karma is represented by
the white black sigil of the ying/yang disk. When one evokes a spell,
with the symbol of karma to produce positive results and everything
isn't held against you, as if what one will get is a balanced result in
what is a view in life.
Something happens to you and something will happen to the other
The result is always neutral as a lie will suit the purpose live as you
will, and as the something you do is opposites of each
other there is a point that you can get results as the end is feeling
better. Thin in use of energy, as to think use the ritual in voodoo
your use is thought and the act is to seem as send the effect. As extra
fat is sent by will to the earth or planet, think to end nightmare as
you dispel the shadow effect in voodoo as you think token of power.
Think as if you are good and not bad as the other side is bade,
as if your use in energy is thought as to do activity is the action to
create with is to create by a concept. The idea and this is to balance
things as you do in action, you create by a thought to make and create
things to do as you have a light and dark side. In neutralizing each
other also known as oafism, focus and will is to control as this inevitably
heals the soul and body by what you think in fire is the healing effect.
Witchcraft is mind magic, as set is an effect and not is repeated if mental power is the effect of how much focus, one yields to the effect of a physical linking action. This in effect is the rules of thaumaturgy, affinity, and mind over matter used in different manners of different ceromonies. To me, witchcraft is a cheat one can effectively utilize to occur any event or action if done right. There is only one rule in this field of mind magic. That is if the moment is right, the act of ritual, will incur what the person was intending through the ritual.
Shamanism is
basically an act of communion to work with the spirits, to control or work to achieve an action
desired. The act of shamanism is attuned through stones and/or mental
disclipine, while visualization of the event happens. The end result is
the thanking of the spirits, with the result desired to be achieved.
The rules of mind over matter and affinity of objects, apply to this
field or job to see or create so not always is focus. To call the spirits attention, is through affinity of mind being
like charge of spirit. The asking is a spiritual request , making with
mind over matter through the use of focus of mind, while speaking to
the spirits for aid. See or use then creates by the area so choose
wisely to create by area, don't always hit by focus to set or fix area thought to mend
or repair by a touch.The
use of
stones is optional, to the work of the act in mind for shamanism. When
one wants to end the rite of spiritual communion, one says "thanks to
you spirits of aid" and for the spirits to seem an idea and this is
thought with a soothing voice as to be appeased. Without this
appeasement, as the anger will be vicious with sometimes dire idea to
create is a concept best benefit as the spirits will do things they perceive your
need as.
base act of shamanism is somethings are not always realized so think
to focus through stones as you feel, to make what the person visualized
happen in sequence or things occur supernaturally happen, through the power of the readied
gemstone. Each gemstone has natural properties that one taps into. When
one wishes to use a gemstone in a magical effect, keep in mind the
natural stone properties.
gemstone charged by you wearing it, or keeping near you for 5 days will
enact a cleansing. The occurance of the act imagined by yourself,
through the gemstone picking up your thoughts. Happens by Mind over
Matter through the Affinitive bond. It will achieve the act of
imagination through affinity of energy, using the natural properties of
itself by the force of will. If one holds the stone while focusing,
visualized thoughts to the stone the act inevitably occurs. The idea by witchcraft and Shamanism is from here.
So you see this point you can think to work with the energy represented by the ohm to create with the area. Other area point you think is important is there if the subconscious creates with the point you think. This means you think to create or devise with the point or work by what you consider. So if you think the point you can work by the ideal you feel is there to what you are aware is your own use. A second thought is what you consider or construe with your own point by the view you think is there to work from as you drink water. This clears the system to your own point you think is a clear thought out ideal, then you think or work by your own ideal.
Thought to clearify is where you can think when to work with the spirits or use what the spirits say. They can sometimes speak through you or you can act your own self, so you say what you want or use to the point you think with your own base by the point you think. The point is to remain clear thinking or clean by what you think is important or not use used ideal. This is my last ideal or metaphysics point that i thought, so think a promise then do some ideal that is what i thought before i died by drug trialing that led to herbalism however now you can say is the point you think so think to use what you wish. That is spiritualism by a shamans point or not as you get different answers by different spirits.
Metaphysic rules are used in chemistry as if nothing no attack can occur imagined then no destructions as the subconscious can create if you take one property, bonds and change are thought with another. That in a nutshell is affinity, bonding or the moment in like attracting like and dislike to occur an action. Take for example; one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, think a result by focus to water. It occurs or not, think thought is the ionic healing through the use of the valence shell, by activity this is combining or considered into two excited hydrogen by the atoms, to result in H2O or water through affinity. The world of chemistry, or alchemy as it used to be called, is full of such affinitive moments by chemical attraction.
Physics has very good
explanations, in long form of Affinity and Thaumaturgy. One rule of
law, called newtons law of gravity explains it perfectly. It states
that gravity effects all, and causes things to fall or holds things to
the ground. It does this through centrifugal force, of the spinning
charged planet core. The nickel iron planet core, will cause gravity in
conjunction through an orbit around the sun. When the sun charges
through unseen electromagnetic pulses. The core of the earth holds the
planet in orbit around the sun. The nickel iron core, will take the
particle charge and form gravity from the spinning of the planet. An
apple will fall to this force, through cause and effect.
an apple falls, it falls because of the pull on the apple, is the apple
being affected through thaumaturgy. What this means is that by the
acting force, of gravity on the apple making its fall due to attraction
interaction, to the earth by affinity. A gravitical field pulling the
apple to the ground like a magnet, because of the the weakness of the
apple support, from the branch and the atomic weight of the apple
itself. This proves the law of gravity is ruled by metaphysics.
Electricity is an act of
affinity by the electron flow, through extra electrons in the valence
shell of the atom, sharing through a medium of copper wiring of the
electrons down a line in one direction. The wiring is rated by load,
and is the measurement of voltage on a line of copper wiring. What the
electricty does, is flow through and runs applications, by flowing
through designed circuit boards with timers, volt drops, and loop
circuitry. Then, electricity flows from the appliance, back to the
source of the electricity. When the electrical flow goes back to the
source of the flow. The voltage is not the same due to heat generation.
This is called the voltage drop measurement.
measure it, use a volt meter across the copper line from the start of
the electrical line to where it enters the application, and record the
reading at that point, calling it voltage 1. Then, the next stage, is
to record the reading from where the electrical line comes from the
application, to where the line is going back to the source, which is
the line end. Call this voltage 2. Now, substract the voltage 2 reading
from the voltage 1 reading and the result is the Line Load. If the line
load is greater than the line load wire rating, it will result in
overloaded circuits or wires.
there are too many applications, like a hair dryer, a couple of lights,
two spotlights, and one portable stove on the same circuit, there will
be overloaded burned wires, with possible fire hazard, that are burned
useless for carrying electricity current. The way electricity flows, is
decided by the phycisits and engineers philosophy. Engineers say,
electricity flows from negative to positive Phycisitssay, electricity
flows positive to negative. Affinity properties of like goes to like,
through the atomic valence shell makes electricity work. So i don't have to this is easier the more safer you work, use by the point with rubber use or turning off the electricity to avoid electricity overload is the use.
Mathematics has given us the power of calculating, the effects of metaphysical enactions. It is the idea of numbers, which will come up with the results possible for any action. It can tell you the amount of force exerted, the amount of force taken, what the results of the force is, how much was achieved by it, and how much energy was used are the questions answered. Making a complete human equation of numbers. In use of mathematics, your use is a point and every thought you have is a moment and if you count the moment by its parts you can create a math problem as by the metaphysical activity by acting or creation in progress you have a result for and this can make a solution if resolved as a mind moment by visualization and seem felt in ideal as though a source.
Bioelectricity is the term meaning living
by summoned with a thought your energy shifts to the lectrical then soes things as you think and energy focus creates with concept.
Bioelectricity works to serve the need by the junction surge action
in thought, think and this is what the body uses to survive. The
metaphysical explanation, is that people are self sources, and
thier soul is the battery containing the source. Peoples bodies
are the self-contained circuitry, that the biolectricity runs
thru to makes it thrive. Sometimes focused response is what helps this as
immediate response. This is as you think of things.
Bioelectricity can run through other devices too,
run via a living energy source this as a self-repairing closed
circuit, creates by the affinity attraction of like goes to like.
Bioenergy acts like a enjergy refinement buildup force, that
gets to be so much bioelectrical charge, it leaps to the next
similiar circuit that can hold the energy. Thus the closed
biolectrical circuit, will self-sustain itself forever continuosly
recharging by biofeedback.
working biofeed energy circuit that is water and concept, theory or
thinking has a smooth flow by biofeed energy jumps, appearing like
a seamless working bioloop. Thusly laws in use don't always apply,
bioenergy follows like tis goes to like and mind over matter metaphysical
rules. With enough charge of focus, the energy leaps to find a like
vessel to be going into it. This happens on a touch similiar to electrical
discharge. Now biofeedback goes into recharging, because of the residue
of energy, left behind that builds itself up and restores the cell to
its original state maintaning its life. The bioenergy is cells in continuously
made clean use, recharge making the biomachinery or human body not wear
out. Each component will with use, wear out very slowly in an aging
Quote by "A.O. Kime" First, one must understand that realities dictate what rational manner is most rational of thinking would be most suitable to function within those realities, so the manner in how one thinks must fit the circumstances within that reality… and the most prudent and effective course of action would be considered the logical course.