I learned something amazing
about thoughts and the mind. Like
conscious mind is as a watch gate for the subconcious which is
connected to the universal mind. Universal mind has everything and
contains anything. Everything thing in the environment is just an
energy example of the table which is nothin but protons and electrons
from the inside and we humans manipulate it through oyour thoughts
everyday. The universal mind is what gives us what we desire through
the subconscious and everything around you is just an effect of your
mind as an illusion of your mind. Yes, that's true as that means you
are actually controlling your environment and making what you think of
it so if you think now that you are perfect and your body is healthy
and impress your subconscious with it, it will happen. Its like body
manipulation, where that would happen to work.
It always works as
someone said who read a book by this
author in 1926. He said it was amazing but he forgot the name. He
said that these diseases that come upon us, come because we are afraid
of them and that fear opens a bridge for the diseases from where they
are. Actually the bacteria or the virus doesn't give us flue because it
is unintelligent matter, it is your fear that it will cause flue, that
allows your subconscious to make your body react that way. Also going
the gym doesn't give us a good body, its the visualization of a perfect
body that we do while we are in gym that gives you the body we want. So
without going to the gym you can have the body, this in an area unregarded you want just as if by
visualization and belief you create by feel or what is in what you think or create as spiritual faith. This is in energy by the wave, as changeable by feel use even if by focus.
I always somehow found a
loop hole in the mind to use this
method to change my body. So going on, just by constantly impressing
your subconscious on your desire of anything. You allow it to manifest
itself in reality. You've to visualize, believe and feel that you have
what you wanted and that you will have it. An thats the way. It changed
my life. I gave me self-confidence in myself.